Barcode Solution Drives Bugs Out of Pest Control


Pest control services utilize a variety of equipment: vehicles, sprayers, steamers, dusters, foggers, granulators, and termite equipment, to name just a few examples. Companies in the pest control industry aren’t distinct from any other from the standpoint that their long-term health is affected by how well they manage their fixed assets and equipment. A barcode solution is an excellent way to efficiently monitor the whereabouts and condition of a pest control company’s equipment and assets. Additionally, a barcode solution can help these companies eliminate haphazard and inconsistent recordkeeping and instead compile comprehensive fixed asset data in one centralized location.

The Challenge of Managing Large Territories

Pest control companies deploy employees across vast territories. It can be a challenging endeavor to track which employees are currently using which assets, where those assets are located, whether those assets are due for periodic service and other vital details. A barcode solution assigns a unique identification to each of a pest control company’s fixed assets, enabling managers and employees to access within seconds the information tied to any item.

The larger a pest control company becomes, and as it expands across multiple cities and states, the more challenging it is for managers to determine how many assets the company currently has in its possession and whether it’s time to order new items. Without a real-time, accurate means of asset tracking, companies often rely on manual tracking procedures – most commonly an Excel spreadsheet in which employees key in barcode numbers -- to track the movement of equipment and keep up with warranty expirations, insurance policy information, maintenance schedules and more. This not only is a labor-intensive task; it’s an open invitation for mistakes. Determining the whereabouts of items often results in frustration and wasted time. Equipment maintenance is often overlooked or forgotten, therefore causing equipment breakdown, expensive repairs, and even costly replacements. And, if a company doesn’t know how many assets it owns and where those assets are located, managers may order additional equipment when in fact they already have those items sitting idle in another location.

The Power of Customer Reviews

Of course, any slowdown in productivity trickles down to the most important party in this discussion: the customer. Pest control is a competitive business. A dissatisfied customer is far more likely to share his or her experience on social media, and a negative review is far more likely to generate engagement. A  conducted by global digital agency Corra found that 88 percent of consumers have avoided a company because of a bad review on social media. 

Why You Should Take an Automated Approach

For any project of this magnitude, the nature of which involves data that are constantly changing, Excel isn’t a good solution. To ensure the accuracy of their asset tracking efforts, pest control companies need to incorporate automation into the process. A barcode solution tracks the details and allows employees to get back to the business of serving their customers.

Asset Panda’s barcode solution offers a turnkey approach, enabling pest control companies to order barcode labels and/or asset tags, then download a free mobile app to begin consolidating their asset data into our platform, which syncs with the cloud. Completely customizable, Asset Panada lets customers track their equipment and assets any way they want. A built-in barcode scanner eliminates the need for a separate handheld device. All customers need to track the entire lifecycle of their fixed assets is a smartphone or tablet. Our simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to get your team up to speed, so you can start saving time and money right from the start.

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Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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