How to Tell If You Need Fleet Maintenance Tracking Systems

Whether you work in the transportation, security, or construction business, managing your vehicle fleets is a vital part of the business. Maintenance tracking systems are a great way of ensuring your vehicles are up-to-date and properly maintained.

But maybe you think you don’t need to track fleet maintenance. After all, you may feel like you have things under control. But, if any of the following situations sound like something your company experiences regularly, you might want to rethink your decision.

Employee Mileage Varies Wildly

Do you find that some employees tend to report way more mileage than others? While variation is to be expected, it can make it difficult to track vehicle maintenance needs. If you don’t know exactly what’s going on with your vehicles on any given workday, how can you accurately predict what type of maintenance each machine needs?

Not all employees are diligent in reporting their mileage. Unless you have a cloud-based GPS system you can check regularly, your numbers won’t be accurate. Some team members will over-report, while others will forget to fill it out until it’s too late.

Your Current Maintenance Tracking Systems Are Outdated

Are your employees using technology from more than a decade ago to track their vehicle usage? Worse still, are you relying on manual tracking methods to inform your maintenance decisions? If your current tracking setup is using outdated software, then you’re getting outdated information.

Maintenance tracking systems can be a one size fits all solution for your business. With the right set-up, you can use it to track usage and maintenance. Having an interconnected setup will make it easier for you to get all of your company data in one place and avoid the problems that come with siloed business structures.

Vehicles Are Constantly Going in for Maintenance

If your fleet vehicles are constantly going to the repair shop, something is seriously wrong. Even machines that are constantly in use shouldn’t be acting up so regularly.

Tracking vehicle usage and mileage can help you identify why certain problems keep happening and what you can do to prevent them in the future. Preventing unnecessary maintenance is a great way to reduce the amount of money you’re pouring into your repair budget.

Asset Availability Fluctuates Wildly

Each industry has peak and slow seasons. Naturally, it would make sense that vehicles are quite available at sometimes and not at all during others.

Lack of vehicle availability can seriously impede your team’s ability to work. If they can’t count on a car, van, truck, or other machines to be available when client jobs arise, they can’t complete their tasks.

Machinery repair shouldn’t be left up to fate to decide. When you put off taking your assets in for checkups, you rack up thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs. Finding the right maintenance tracking software can help your business keep operations smooth, no matter what time of year you’re working.

Anticipating issues during peak seasons can also help you ensure your company decreases downtime and addresses client needs in a speedy manner. This will help take on more projects and increase your overall revenue. Getting maintenance data in real-time will help you see where the worst obstacles are forming, and help you develop ways to remove them. That way, you can get back to helping your customers and improve your business’ reputation.


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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