How an Assets Inventory Can Benefit Your Business

Many companies tend to think of assets and inventory as separate things. But keeping an assets inventory can help your business to improve productivity, save time, and increase ROI. You need to know where your assets are at any given moment, and tracking them by way of keeping an inventory is a great way to help you do just that.

The Importance of an Assets Inventory

Your assets are vital to the success of your business. Whether you own property, equipment, machines, or fleets, your company has a lot of investments to keep track of at any given moment. Losing track of any one of these assets can cost you in a very big way. When you keep an assets inventory, you're protecting your investments from harm and from the chance of being lost.

While it might seem hard to lose a large investment, it happens more often than you think. Most of the time, these investments aren't actually lost but are simply misplaced. When companies don't have a system to keep track of assets, it's easy for individual items to slip through the cracks. If you don't use these assets on a regular basis, one employee might put it in an unintuitive location, making it difficult to find later on.

The Benefits of an Assets Inventory

However, keeping an inventory of your assets will help you avoid this problem. Having a central database full of information about your equipment, tools, and investments can help you keep track of asset locations in real time. This kind of database can also help you track asset life cycle, maintenance records, and work orders. This information will then help your business to make more informed decisions when it comes time to invest in new assets.

When your employees can look up asset locations in a flash, they will greatly reduce time spent looking for equipment or trying to track someone down who knows what they are looking for. They can then use that time to work on customer requests or complete other important administrative tasks.

An assets inventory will also help your business increase overall ROI. Being able to locate an asset quickly makes you more equipped to do the work that directly brings in money. More time spent on tasks that bring in money means that your company brings in a greater profit overall. You and your employees can benefit from this windfall.


Asset Panda knows the importance of tracking your assets. We created a platform with a user-friendly interface that you and your team can access from your mobile devices. This helps you to update asset information in real time as changes are happening. Anyone in your company can see that one of your employees from marketing checked out a piece of company equipment, and they'll know it isn't available until it is returned. This saves you from double booking equipment, and helps your employees plan around what assets are currently available for use. You can also store pictures of all of your assets for easy identification.

Our customizable platform makes it easy for you to create a system that comes with all of the features your company needs in a tracking software.  From tracking scheduled maintenance to keeping asset records over time, there's nothing you won't be able to track using our flexible platform.

Want to see how easy it is to use Asset Panda? Sign up for a free guided tour today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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