Barcode IT Asset Management Can Help You Plan for Equipment Refreshment, Save Time and Money

If you’ve never had a barcode IT asset management system, and you’re questioning whether you really need one, you might want to ask yourself a few questions. First, do you know where all of your IT assets are at any given time? How many do you currently have in your inventory? What kind of condition are they in? Do any of them need updates or even replacement? Do you have a plan for equipment refreshment based on the age and condition of your respective IT assets?

If you answered “no” to any of those above questions, it’s time to consider a barcode IT asset management system. A barcode IT asset management system enables to you to track your IT assets – computers, monitors, laptops, tablets, smartphones and the like – wherever they’re located, even as they periodically move throughout your building and offsite. Consider company-issued smartphones, for example. Your employees carry them everywhere – to meetings in the building, to their homes at night, on airplanes, and in cabs, hotel rooms and conference centers. The opportunities for loss and theft are almost too numerous to count. And if your employees are storing any sensitive data on those phones, it’s not just the loss of the phone that should be concerning; it’s also the potential for data and/or identity theft. Imagine the impact that kind of theft could have on your relationships with your customers. And we all know it’s much more difficult to find a new customer than it is to keep one, right?

Our modern business environment is moving at lightning speed, just like your asset-related data. It’s simply too time-consuming, inefficient and risky to try to keep up with your IT assets with a manual system. And yet, some companies continue to do so, using either an Excel spreadsheet or even pen and paper to track data that are continually changing. It’s a lot like nailing Jell-O to the wall. As soon as you record a piece of data, it’s probably changing or about to change. You need a means to track and monitor not just the location of your IT assets, but also their quantities, their current condition, maintenance histories, insurance policies, warranties, lease/purchase information, depreciation and much more. You also want to be able to zoom in or out on your data, so you can examine your company’s needs across the board and make more informed decisions about your IT expenditures, identifying where items are needed and where they may be sitting idle. Manual systems don’t allow for this kind of in-depth analysis; nor do they allow stakeholders to effectively communicate with one another. With spreadsheets or pen and paper, it’s far too easy for items to fall through the cracks, and in the worst-case scenarios, some companies continue to pay insurance on “ghost assets,” or items that aren’t even in their inventory anymore, for months on end.

Asset Panda eliminates that hassle, frustration and expensive inefficiency with an easy to use, dynamic and powerful barcode IT asset management platform. Our free mobile iOS and Android apps sync with the cloud and include a mobile barcode scanner. You won’t need any additional software or hardware to use the tool – only the smartphones and tablets you and your employees already carry. Your data is always in real time, and you have complete control over how it’s displayed and organized. Our robust features are customizable and intuitive. And you can add as many users as you’d like for no additional charge. In the palm of your hand, you can access in seconds an item’s exact location, condition, value, the identity of the person who has it, its check-in/check-out status, warranty and insurance policy, and so much more. Create work orders and custom reports, and set up notifications and alerts that help you stay on track with maintenance and equipment refreshment schedules. Best of all, Asset Panda is flexible enough to incorporate new technologies as they become available in the future.

Try Asset Panda free for 14 days, and experience the difference for yourself.

Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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