How Proper Tracking Impacts a Healthcare Asset Audit

When it comes to asset tracking and management, the healthcare industry faces many challenges. Hospitals, doctor’s offices, urgent care clinics, physical therapy/rehab centers and other related healthcare outlets have a tremendous number of devices, equipment, and other assets to track and manage. When it comes time to conduct a healthcare asset audit, is your facility ready to meet the high standards its patients expect of them?

As a patient, you always want to know that you are in the best care from the doctors, nurses and other medical staff. That should also include the expectation that the facility has all the proper pieces of equipment readily available for treatment and that it’s in good working condition. You expect that your care providers are focused on you, the patient, not frantically searching for medical equipment or trying to find a replacement for a piece of equipment that should have been repaired or replaced long ago.

It’s important that medical facilities conduct a healthcare asset audit regularly to ensure that lives aren’t on the line due to missing or faulty equipment. That’s why these facilities should have a strong asset tracking and management software platform to help make the process of a healthcare asset audit a breeze.

For those in the healthcare industry, the idea of having a tool that makes it easy to manage patient records, locates medical equipment, provides complete access to maintenance records for each piece of equipment, and provides up to date data on each piece of equipment like where it is, who has it, and its check in/check out status sounds like a dream. But it’s not – it is a reality.

Healthcare facilities that have implemented a tracking and management software platform are able to access critical information about what they have, where it is, who has it and if it’s in good working condition. Having any time anywhere access to this critical information makes it easier for hospital officials to always know where equipment is at all times, make more informed decisions, and keep the focus on patient care.

In addition, especially with a healthcare asset audit, having the knowledge of what you have, where it is and its condition is important for budgeting and evaluating equipment for continued use or replacement. Staff can see how often equipment was used (or not used) and for what purpose. How many times it had to go in for repairs. What departments need the equipment the most and if it warrants the money for additional pieces and much more.

By capturing all the details on the entire lifecycle of an asset from the moment it’s put into use, facilities can plan how to best spend their money, reducing equipment downtime and ensuring that equipment is always at the ready to be used.

Gastroenterology Consultants is the largest gastroenterology practice in Northern Nevada. At one point they had no tracking system in place whatsoever of the asset they were using to treat their patients. When it came time for a healthcare asset audit, their “eyes were further opened to the need for a proper asset tracking and management platform” when they tried to conduct the audit with an Excel spreadsheet.

“That brought to light how many old machines we had in production. Machines were literally dying while in use because we were not keeping them up to date. When they began to fail or become in need of updating/repair or complete replacement, we were left scrambling to try and stand up some old, unreliable replacement until the new machine arrived.”

That’s when they discovered Asset Panda to track their facility’s vital medical assets. Asset Panda has “dramatically reduced the downtime from the sudden death of a system, and now has made our equipment and the processes by which we keep up with it more reliable. Our assets are located across 4 cities and 5 different locations, so being able to know where these expensive pieces of equipment are and that they are in good working condition is vital information that needs to be accessible by all who utilize them.”

With so much to keep track of and prepare for every day in the healthcare field, there is a true need for efficient hospital asset tracking software. Asset Panda’s Healthcare Asset Tracking platform works for and with your team to make sure they have the necessary information to access important medical assets when they need it. Our system easily integrates with your current software and changes with your needs.

Asset Panda improves workflow, helps the entire facility stay on top of device and equipment location, reduce inventory costs, manage equipment maintenance and most importantly, keep your patients safe.

Sign up for a free guided tour and be ready for the next healthcare asset audit with the best asset tracking and management platform available.


Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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