5 Ways to Streamline Jobsite Management, Regardless of Your Industry

Your workers travel to client sites to complete work. Whether you have technicians checking on appliances or technology, construction workers completing tasks on large sites, or service-based providers traveling to clients to fulfill their needs, you need to have a clear jobsite management practice in place.

Even if you don’t keep tools or equipment on-site, you’ll need to know what needs to happen there, which also means you’ll need to know what to bring. Managing jobsites and technicians that go between them can be a single person’s job, or you can have everyone involved be part of the process by taking a few minutes to update their status and what’s happened.

Create Records of Jobsite Details

Each jobsite has different requirements. Depending on the project, some may be subject to specific laws and regulations. It might be in a difficult to find part of town.

Before you can start working on client jobs, you need to know everything about the jobsite. Here are some questions you should record the answers to before you start working:
  • Where is it located?
  • What job is being performed there?
  • How can employees access the site?
  • Are there any safety requirements?
  • Are there any quality or industry requirements that need to be met?
  • What tools are needed to complete the work?
  • How long will the work take?
  • Do employees need any certifications to complete the allocated work?

Schedule Necessary Workers

After you’ve outlined everything needed to complete a client job on-site, you’ll need to schedule necessary workers to complete the job tasks. Check qualifications before assigning workers to sites.

Create your schedule well in advance so your employees have time to prepare for each job. Sending them to work in a new location without any preparation is likely to end in requirements not being met and tasks getting missed.

Provide Employees with Jobsite Requirements

Once you’ve assigned workers to their jobsites, you need to communicate your expectations of them. Share jobsite details with them and anything else they need to complete their tasks. If your employees don’t know what to expect they can’t adequately prepare, which means they’ll miss an important aspect of the job requirements. This will lead to subpar work and unhappy clients.

The best way to keep your employees updated with jobsite requirements is to give them access to the database that has your jobsite records on it.

Record Jobsite Management Assets

The only way you can complete client jobs is through the use of industry-specific assets. Whether your employees require fleet vehicles to get there or need to bring equipment to the site, your team needs to stay updated on needed assets.

In the asset fields, note down whether the asset will stay on-site, or if it needs to travel to and from the work location. Keeping these records will also help you plan for replacement and record asset wear and tear.

Assign Consistent Jobsite Supervisors

Managing multiple clients and keeping tools on each jobsite requires a dedicated supervisor to ensure things go according to plan. Switching supervisors in the middle of a job is a bad idea, as the new one will have to take time to relearn everything. In the meantime, your employees will go unsupported and productivity will decrease.

Having dedicated jobsite supervisors ensures things get done correctly and keeps your workers supported as they travel. Even if you don’t have the same employees there on a day to day basis, the supervisor can update new workers on requirements and can direct people as needed.

All these steps are easy to complete when you have a cloud-based asset tracking and jobsite management solution. Asset Panda can help you create a system where you can group your jobsites and related assets in one place. Check it out free today.

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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