How to Save Time and Money with University Inventory Management


As a university, you’ve got to watch where every single cent goes carefully. There are several ways you can save time and money with university inventory management. Sometimes educational executives will cut program funding to save money. But this can take support away from already underfunded programs and students who’ve spent many hours trying to get where they want.

Running a large-scale educational facility takes a lot of time, money, and equipment. Each building has baseline requirements just to remain operating. You may also want to equip your facilities with more than just the basics, giving your students a more supportive learning environment.

Successfully implementing a university inventory management system can help you make the most of your budget without sacrificing your school’s programs.

The Benefits of Proper Higher Education Inventory Management

Track Assets Per Classroom

Unlike in many primary education environments, university professors don’t teach all of their classes from the same room. That means most assets will stay in each classroom unless brought in by the teachers themselves.

There are certain items that won’t leave the classroom. Most computers are bolted in, and things like desks, chairs, whiteboards and other furniture aren’t going to leave the room. However, they might need regular checkups to ensure they remain in working condition.

Because so many people pass through this room on a given day, there’s no way you can guarantee all your assets will stay safe unless you have a system to manage them. A cloud-based asset tracking system will help you ensure your educational tools don’t go missing. And if they do, you’ll have a better idea of where they went.

Reduce Administrative Staff Necessary to Track Your Assets

Depending on the size of your university, it may not be entirely possible to avoid hiring staff to track your assets. After all, there are dozens of assets to track per room. Neglecting to track your educational supplies will result in lost money. There’s simply no way you can manage all of your items manually.

However, that doesn’t mean you must rely on dozens of administrative assistants to manage your assets, tools, and equipment. Implementing the right inventory management software can help you make do with a few assistants across your entire organization.

Save Time and Money with University Inventory Management

Reducing labor costs is one of the best ways to save time and money with university inventory management. You’ll also reduce the time your educators spend trying to figure out how to make technology work or locating the tools they need to conduct their lessons for the day.

You’ll want to rely on a cloud-based system that staff and faculty alike can access. Creating a system that everyone in your organization can access will make asset tracking throughout the year feasible.

The most beneficial outcome of tracking your inventory will be seeing how each department uses the available assets. Managing this information throughout the year means you can identify trends. You’ll also see exactly which assets are supporting your educational goals and which ones are weighing you down.

Asset Panda's University Inventory Management System

Ridding your organization of unnecessary assets will help you make sure you’re not wasting your money on things you don’t need. You’ll also save staff and professors the time of moving these assets around. Removing these items will also free up storage space for more tools and equipment your educational staff actually does need to support your students.

Asset Panda provides a cloud-based inventory system that’s easy to learn and implement in the best ways for your school. Give Asset Panda's asset management software a try with a free 14-day trial (no credit card required)! You’ll receive full access to user guides, video tutorials, free mobile apps, and call-in and live chat support from our fantastic Asset Panda support team.


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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