Tracking Tool Software Can Help EMS Teams Save Valuable Time


Saving even a few seconds on your response time can mean the difference between saving someone’s life and being too late. Tracking tool software solutions are a great way to make your response process more efficient and fast.

Practicing your response time to cut down on how long it takes is one way to improve your process. But all of the practice in the world won’t help your team if they don’t have all of the tools necessary to treat the people they find at each scene.

All Your Supplies in One Place

You can’t risk going out into the field without all the first aid and medical supplies necessary to respond to an emergency. There’s no way of knowing what sort of situation you’ll have when you first get to a scene. You definitely don’t have time to ask questions and diagnose the problem over the phone.

Instead, use a tool tracking solution to make sure you always have your tool kit with you. Cloud-based EMS tool tracking software means that you can mark which items are used as you are on location instead of waiting until you get back. Trying to track your tools when you’re not busy operates on several assumptions that might not be true. It requires you to simply remember what you used and when. It also assumes that you’ll have downtime, which might not happen if a large-spread crisis hits.

Tracking as you go means that you’ll have a system that’s up-to-date in real time. That’s the best thing you can do to make sure you have all of your tools with you, no matter what situation you come across.

Time as an Asset

Emergency rescue crew response is tracked by the minute. Time can mean the difference between life and death for someone suffering from a heart attack or stroke. Time is the most important asset you have. The quicker you can respond to a call; the better that person’s chances are of getting back to their life.

The time it takes for you to get to a location largely depends on where the caller lives, how many fire stations are nearby and even the time of day. It is also largely dependent on how quickly each team can get their gear together and drive to the emergency.

Tracking Tool Software Tracks Equipment in Each Vehicle

Tracking tool software can help you track vehicles and assign specific tools and assets to each vehicle. Dispatchers will then know what vehicles are in use and which ones can still be sent out.

You won’t necessarily be able to put specialize equipment in each vehicle. But with the right tracking methods in place, you can make sure each vehicle has every tool needed to respond to any kind of emergency before you get the call.

Asset Panda knows that a mistake in your process can be lethal. You need to have everything sorted to perfection. You also need to be able to keep an eye on your teams as they are out in the field. Our customizable cloud-based asset management software means that you can configure your equipment tracking in the most straight forward method possible. Cut down on any dispatching mistakes by making your process transparent to everyone involved.


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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