Tracking for Inventory? Asset Panda Delivers Depth and Insight

Tracking for inventory has come a long, long way in terms of its sophistication and ease.

The term inventory means different things to different companies. Some organizations manufacture parts which are then used to produce finished products, while others purchase inventory from other companies for resale. Whatever form inventory takes, maintaining efficiency over its processes is a tall order.

In the not-so-distant past, employees had to manually track the movement of items in and out of an organization. Those manual records, of course, required constant updates because inventory is fluid and ever-changing. Keeping track of the values of those items and making informed assessments about when to replenish stock were both difficult with manual recordkeeping. Inevitably, human errors would occur: a missed item, duplication of efforts, a typo here and there, a staff reorganization that left long-term gaps in records. The result was guesswork, frustration and lost revenue – not to mention customer dissatisfaction.

Today, however, technology has empowered companies to track inventory with laser-like precision. The greater efficiencies that result empower organizations to make more assured decisions about when it’s time to reorder and how much. They know at any given time just how much inventory they own, and can avoid early sell-outs or excess inventory. They’re better able to track and verify the value of items. And they can communicate across the organization with multiple stakeholders for better accountability and accuracy.

Asset Panda utilizes mobile technology and the cloud to make this process incredibly simple. Here’s an example: When an item arrives at the warehouse, an employee can scan its barcode, which enters it into the inventory system. From there, every time the item moves, it’s tracked – from the time it’s stocked to the time it leaves the warehouse, makes its way to a retail shelf, if applicable; and is ultimately purchased by the end consumer. Retailers also use the barcodes to track inventory when it arrives at stores. It’s a complex system of touchpoints.

With Asset Panda, employees use a simple, yet incredibly powerful mobile app available for both iOS and Android. The app is free, and it syncs with the cloud, enabling 24-hour access to real-time data. A mobile barcode scanner also is included in the app, negating the need for a separate handheld barcode scanner. No additional hardware or software is required to use Asset Panda – only the mobile devices your employees already carry. From a practicality standpoint, that’s huge. You’re also entitled to an unlimited number of users at no additional charge, which encourages organizations to bring every stakeholder tracking for inventory into the conversation. When everyone is in the loop, the odds of error decrease significantly, while accountability increases throughout your entire organization.

The app is totally customizable and flexible; our philosophy is that you should be able to track your inventory exactly how you want now and for years to come. You control how your data is displayed and organized, and you can adjust the visibility of specific data on a per-user or per-location basis. It’s easy to import and export data, create and issue reports, and pull the information you need for accounting and compliance purposes. You can set up custom notifications and alerts, custom security settings and more. Our features list not only robust; it’s continually expanding, and every one of our clients receives full access. Best of all, Asset Panda’s free app is incredibly simple to use, so you won’t need extensive training to master it.

Companies from nearly every industry sector trust Asset Panda to help them manage their inventory. They’re eliminating guesswork and frustration, saving money, increasing efficiency across the board, and keeping customer satisfaction high. Try Asset Panda free for 14 days, and see the difference for yourself. For more information or to get started, visit


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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