Asset Panda Software: Leveraging the Power of Mobile, Cloud Technology

Asset Panda software incorporates the best of what mobile and cloud technology have to offer. Companies and organizations of every size and industry sector are managing more tasks than ever. Relying on manual asset tracking processes is a recipe for error. Attempting to manage your fixed assets with an Excel spreadsheet is much like chasing a moving target. It’s difficult to stay on top of data that keeps changing. For example, asset values either depreciate or appreciate over time. Or take your IT assets, which often are on the move both inside and outside your organization. Do you know where they are at any given time? Even companies with the best intentions often find that some of their fixed assets have fallen through the cracks, stolen or lost. Unfortunately, some organizations continue to pay insurance on items, or “ghost assets,” that have long been missing, but which weren’t reported.

With Asset Panda, the software helps automate your asset management tasks, removing that human element and greatly simplifying what was a complex task, while giving you the ability to examine your data in a more meaningful, relevant way. Our powerful, yet flexible and easy to use mobile platform syncs with the cloud. That means your asset-related data is served up in real time 24 hours a day, so you no longer need to wait until you’re back in the office to check the status of any item. Asset Panda is powered by free mobile iOS and Android apps that house everything you need to track the entire lifecycle of every one of your vital fixed assets. There’s no separate handheld barcode scanner or any additional hardware involved. All you need is the smartphone or tablet you already use – or access Asset Panda using our web app, if you prefer.

This platform was created with an eye on the future. So it’s flexible enough to accommodate to your business needs today and well into the future. As new technologies become available, Asset Panda can adapt. Although every client receives full access to our complete and ever-growing features list, you choose only the features you want, and make changes anytime. The app is completely customizable, so you decide how your data is displayed and organized. The dashboard, fields and columns, notifications, alerts, reports, calendar feature, user- and location-based security settings are just a few of the features you modify according to your needs.

At Asset Panda, we know that your asset tracking efforts will only be reliable if your process is simple – because if it’s confusing, your employees aren’t likely to buy in. That’s why, despite the fact that our mobile platform is the most powerful in the world, our user interface is streamlined and intuitive. You won’t need any special training to understand it, but if you have questions, our world-class customer support team is within arm’s reach.

In the palm of your hand, you have complete visibility of all of your assets as they travel through the lifecycle. You won’t be charged per-user with Asset Panda; you’re entitled to an unlimited number of users, so you can bring all of your stakeholders into the conversation, therefore maximizing your accuracy and accountability. Within seconds, find an item’s exact location, value, condition, and maintenance history. Add supporting documents, videos, voice notes or photos, if you’d like. Create work orders, create custom reports, send emails and import and export data quickly and easily. It’s all as near as your smartphone or tablet. Asset Panda software eliminates the gridlock, frustration, and waste associated with traditional asset tracking processes.

Companies throughout the globe rely on Asset Panda to help them manage millions of dollars’ worth of their most significant investments. Find out why – try Asset Panda free for 14 days. For more information or to get started, visit


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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