Protect Your Vital Investments With IT Assets Software


Should you invest in IT assets software? Is it worth the expense and effort required to transition your employees to a formal tracking system? By all accounts, yes, because whether you’re a small organization or a multinational corporation, your IT equipment is likely to be among your biggest-ticket assets. It simply makes good business sense for you to implement a system that lets you account for your IT assets at any time, determine their respective conditions, maintenance schedules and values, and make informed decisions about when it’s time to replace them. IT assets software saves companies and organizations of every size and industry measurable time and money. The question you should be asking yourself isn’t whether you should invest in IT assets software, but rather why – given all of its inherent advantages and efficiencies – you wouldn’t.

Why IT Asset Tracking is Critical

An IT asset is any company-owned system, hardware, software or information used as part of business operations. Each of those assets has an expected useful life estimated based on routine preventive maintenance and updates. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to keep up with the maintenance schedules of their IT assets, which results in slow-running, inefficient equipment that becomes increasingly vulnerable to a security breach. Slow equipment leads to lower productivity, frustrated employees, and perhaps even dissatisfied clients.

It’s easier than you think to fall behind on maintenance. Even the most well-intentioned IT managers can lose track. Manual asset tracking – most often conducted via an Excel spreadsheet – paves the way for mistakes. An employee or group of employees is usually assigned the task of keeping up with IT asset data. Many IT assets, however, move throughout the organization and change hands frequently. Without a formal tracking system, it’s incredibly easy for companies not to know where their IT assets should be at any given time, what kind of condition they’re in, who has them, or when they need to be serviced. Ghost assets, or assets that have been lost but not reported, result from poor IT asset tracking. Companies spend thousands each year paying insurance for ghost assets that aren’t even in their inventory anymore.

Why You Need IT Assets Software

IT assets software kicks all of that inefficiency to the curb, allowing companies to effectively outsource their IT asset tracking and management functions to a system that centralizes asset data, tracks it in real time, and allows IT managers to set up reminders and alerts so they never miss key service dates again. Best of all, with IT assets software, organizations maximize the lifespan of their IT assets by keeping them in good working order. IT managers can then know exactly how many IT assets their companies own, where they should be located, and when it’s time to purchase or replace assets.

Before you implement IT assets software, you’ll need to complete an asset inventory audit, so you know exactly how many IT assets you have, where they’re located, what the respective values of those assets are, when your company acquired them, and the expected lifespan of each of those IT assets.  Your best bet is a solution that’s scalable and powerful, yet intuitive so your employees use it with confidence. You’ll also want a product that’s flexible enough to incorporate new technologies as they become available.

Asset Panda’s best-in-class solution delivers clients throughout the world the power of mobile technology and the cloud through a simple, easy-to-use interface. Our customizable features enable you to track your assets any way you want and protect your IT assets – and your bottom line.


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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