Top 10 Asset Management Customizations and Configurations


Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Today’s business world is no exception; the key to survival in difficult times has always been the ability to adapt to new situations.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that your asset management process needs to be able to adapt to your ever changing needs. From adjusting to run more reports for liability needs to tracking assets remotely or on the go, your asset management tool needs to be flexible.

While there are numerous ways to track your assets, most are antiquated, obsolete or ineffective.

Each industry comes with different challenges, requirements and needs, meaning there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution to asset tracking. An asset management solution needs to be easy to use, versatile and configurable.

Start with Asset Tracking Basics, Then Explore What’s Possible In The World of Asset Management.

Asset Panda helps you get control of your assets, allowing you to track and manage the tools your people use to do their job. With a customizable and configurable solution, we can help you no matter what industry you’re in:

Asset Panda offers a basic asset tracking solution, along with several baseline configurations that are optimized for specific industries. However, our clients rarely stop at the baseline models.

During our effective onboarding and implementation process, you’ll learn the basics of how Asset Panda can help you with simple asset tracking. However, once you realize how configurable the solution is, you’ll begin seeing new possibilities and everything will change.

Starting with a baseline configuration, we’ll help you tailor your Asset Panda solution based on your unique business needs, processes and assets. Configure and customize your asset management tool to accomplish your specific goals.

  • Input assets and critical data
  • Add categories and sub-categories
  • Create locations and groups
  • Track workflow processes through individuals, as well as assets

The great thing about Asset Panda is there are so many different use cases based on the different configurations. For example, we offer customizable solutions for:

Whether you are tracking a tow truck or a printer cartridge, at home or on the go, Asset Panda provides you with the flexibility to add unlimited users and custom asset fields, so you can track whatever, wherever.

10 Ways To Customize and Configure Your Asset Tracking

While not every configuration is right for you, rest assured you’ll find new benefits from day one when you start exploring everything Asset Panda has to offer.

Here’s a brief look at our top 10 configurations that our clients use every day and how they can help you manage your assets more effectively:

  • Action-Based Forms - Collect important data with customized check-out forms and maintenance checklists.
  • Asset Listing - Look over your asset inventory with easy-to-use filters and grouping.
  • Calculations - Create customer calculations on numeric fields so you always have the numbers you need.
  • Workflow Actions - Check in/out, update or transfer assets quickly and easily with pre-established or customized workflows.
  • Auditing - Full data accuracy is at your fingertips with audits that can be scheduled, assigned and completed with ease.
  • Custom Fields - Capture unique data points that are important to you with fields you can customize to meet your unique needs.
  • Custom Groups - Track specific data like assets, employees, buildings and more with group configurations that you create and customize.
  • Custom Reports - Need detailed history on a specific asset? Custom reports allow you to pull the data you need in CSV, XLS and PDF formats any time you need them.
  • Field Requirements - Ensure the integrity of your data by setting required fields, enforcing ranging and limiting list selections.
  • Notifications - Stay on task with email and push notifications that tell when business-critical tasks are due, actions are completed or fields meet your defined criteria.

Asset Panda wasn’t developed to reinvent asset management. It was created to work within your current workflows and processes to optimize them and make your job easier and more productive.

For front line workers who need access in the field, managers who need to review the work being done and executives who need macro-level insight into your business, Asset Panda is the perfect solution to satisfy all of your asset management needs.

Let us show you how Asset Panda can work magic for you; book a demo today.

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