A Remote Asset Tracking Solution Is Your Remote Team’s WFH MVP


Working from home in 2020 has been a very different experience for most people. They’ve had to juggle remote schooling, sharing laptops, coordinating online meetings and finding space within their homes for everyone that needs a work or school space.

For an organization like yours, there are other unique challenges, especially when it comes to managing the assets that keep things (and other employees) up and running remotely.

Operating out of your home can make it difficult to stay consistent, compliant and in control of your assets.

Out with the Old Asset Tracking Spreadsheet Solution

Asset managers, who often rely on spreadsheets and excel to track their assets, have woken up to the realization that they don’t know what’s really walking out their door.

Dirty data from error-prone spreadsheets has left them struggling to find out what assets they really have and who has them. They have to deal with:

  • Too many versions of the same asset inventory file
  • Time lost waiting for someone to close the file so they can edit it
  • Mis-typed data entry leading to lost assets

Asset tracking in today’s remote environment relies on air-tight workflows and error-free data entry.

Simply put, spreadsheet and excel solutions just aren’t going to cut it anymore.

Adjusting Your Asset Tracking Workflows To The “New Normal” of Remote Work

For your team members working from home, technical support can be a nightmare if they have no effective way of reporting issues that cause downtime.

It’s not like they can walk down the hall and ask for help. Well, they could, but their 3-year-old might not be that helpful with figuring out why they lost access to the shared drive.

Your team members working from home need to be able to report issues and request support easily and in a timely manner. This means they need a ticketing system that’s tied directly to the assets they’re using currently.

It’s Time for a New Asset Management Solution

Asset Panda is the perfect solution to get you through this new normal of remote work. There are probably plenty of assets that went home with your employees, from laptops and desktops to speakers and printers. We can help you track all of this and more.

Innovative and user-friendly, Asset Panda makes it easy to keep your asset data updated, giving you greater visibility into what’s keeping your teams connected and productive. Track critical data like:

  • Who the asset is assigned to
  • When they received it
  • Purchase or lease information
  • Lifecycle status
  • Software update information
  • Preventative maintenance information
  • Service request logs

With access to this kind of business-critical data, you can create customizable reports that let you know the true value of your assets and their effectiveness in your operations.

Contactless Support - We’re Here For Your Asset Tracking Needs

Asset Panda can help you provide contactless support for your team no matter where they’re working. With the ability to report problems or issues online, your team can create service tickets through Asset Panda so your support team can resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Chances are, the problem can be solved remotely. However, if the issue requires physical intervention, a contactless exchange can be coordinated so your team member can get a replacement asset and get back to work while the malfunctioning asset is repaired or replaced.

The asset support workflow tracks and manages support through a series of questions that help you trace the asset through the repair process:

  • What’s the issue?
  • Can it be repaired remotely?
  • What steps are required for remote repair?
  • Does it need to be brought in for physical repair?
  • What steps are required for contactless exchange and repair?
  • Does it need to be replaced?
  • What steps are required for replacement?
  • What are the costs associated with repair/replacement?
  • What steps are required for disposal if necessary?

By utilizing an asset tracking and management solution you also benefit from:

  • Higher productivity for youy teams
  • More cost-effective ROI for your assets
  • Employees that are more engaged and empowered

To learn more about how Asset Panda can help you manage your teams when working remotely, register for a demo today.

Learn more from an Asset Panda expert

Get a FREE consultation with an asset tracking expert to find out how you can transform your asset tracking.

Contact our Sales Team at (888) 928-6112