The Asset Barcode System That Lives in the Palm of Your Hand

The online asset barcode system was designed to help companies evolve from the old way of tracking assets, which involved Excel spreadsheets and a succession of employees who were charged with keeping up with those records. Almost inevitably, a missed keystroke, omission or oversight would result in errors. Those mistakes were costly come tax time, when numbers were due to accounting and compliance. And when assets weren’t managed well and properly maintained, that, too, led to waste. Companies had to pay more for repairs and sometimes premature replacements.

When gaps in record keeping occurred, assets that were lost, stolen or phased out of inventory due to age might never be reported as such. In that scenario, companies sometimes continued to pay insurance for “ghost assets,” or assets they didn’t even have in their inventory anymore.

Eventually, fixed asset tracking software replaced Excel spreadsheets. Such products usually required customers to purchase separate handheld barcode scanners. Those scanners are expensive, and, frankly, they’re one more asset to manage. Companies who use them typically have to limit the number of employees they bring into the asset tracking and management process – simply because they can’t afford to buy a high volume of scanners. Many asset tracking and management products also require additional software or hardware to use, as well as the associated software licenses. And some products will limit the number of users you can tie into the system. All of these factors can drive up the costs of asset tracking and can discourage companies from tightening up their efficiencies.

But, with the evolution of technology continuing at lightning speed, we’re moving beyond expensive, cumbersome asset barcode systems now. Managing the lifecycle of your assets doesn’t have to be pricey or complicated. Mobile technology has made it possible for companies to track and manage their assets quickly, accurately, easily and cost effectively.

Dallas-based Asset Panda set out to create a mobile asset barcode system that blows past the competition in terms of power, flexibility, customization capability and ease of use. Available both for iOS and Android mobile devices, the Asset Panda mobile app is free and allows clients to scan, track and monitor their fixed assets anytime, anywhere. Because the app includes a mobile barcode scanner, no separate scanner is needed. There’s no need for additional hardware or software, either. Using the web, your tablet or smartphone, you can access the entire lifecycle of any asset, from its introduction to your inventory to its periodic maintenance, movement throughout your organization and, ultimately, replacement. The app syncs with the cloud, so the information at your fingertips is in real time. Having data you can trust is particularly important when it comes time to supply your accounting and compliance teams with the information they need. Asset Panda allows you to pull that data easily and with confidence.

The most successful apps are those that are not only useful, but also have a simple, flexible user interface. Asset Panda requires no extensive training to master. It’s easy to scan new assets and add supporting documents, voice notes, videos or photos as needed. Features are completely customizable, including custom notifications, alerts and reports; custom dashboard; sortable columns; user configurable views; and custom role-based security.

Our clients – companies and organizations both large and small -- represent nearly every industry. Each of them has unique needs, and that’s why Asset Panda works so well for them. It’s completely customizable and flexible, and can adjust as their needs continue to evolve. This powerful, flexible tool was designed to increase efficiency and accountability throughout your organization while saving you time, frustration and money.

Try Asset Panda free for 14 days, and see for yourself. For more information, visit


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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