How Does Asset Software Free Businesses From The Constraints of Tracking?

In the business world, you don’t get many things for free anymore. Time is money and most organizations don’t have much of either to spare, especially when it comes to asset tracking. But what if you could find an asset tracking software that frees you from the many constraints that traditional methods of asset tracking hold? The combination of 3 words -- asset software free -- just took on a whole new meaning!

Companies have access to a wide variety of software products when it comes to asset tracking. Each tool has its own unique offering in providing efficient tracking capabilities and valuation for companies. As businesses grow and their demands for certain tools or equipment grows, assets are more in need. Many of these businesses are becoming more mobile as well. With that mobility comes a greater chance that assets can be lost, stolen, or damaged – all very costly to the bottom line.

Selecting an asset software that can help a business keep track of all their assets no matter where they are is paramount in saving companies thousands of dollars. Accounting departments are scrutinizing budgets down to the penny, finding ways to save money and cut costs. Flexibility is key and if a company and its employees can not change and adapt, then their chances of success are greatly reduced. The same can be said when it comes to tracking assets. The cost savings these programs have afforded companies have been proven in year-end audits as well as the impact on employee manpower.

When the word free comes into play with such a complex and time-intensive process like asset tracking, interest is definitely heightened. How does asset software free a company from this burdensome process?

Free from ledgers and online spreadsheets.
Both of these once accepted forms of tracking are no longer viable. Handwritten ledgers are typically kept in one location, making it difficult for users to access equipment records when necessary. If it was ever misplaced or lost, recovery is impossible. Electronic spreadsheets (like Excel) can create a confusing and frustrating mess. They are often filled with errors in the data, which in turn affects the integrity of the spreadsheet as a whole. Excel doesn’t allow you to examine the entire lifecycle of an asset, from its initial acquisition to its periodic maintenance, movement inside and/or outside your organization, to its phase-out from your inventory.

Free of unnecessary employee time spent searching for lost or “missing” assets.
Technology has simplified the asset tracking process and made it more efficient. Employees can record transactions or data about a particular asset anywhere in the field, providing accurate, real-time data. Data compiled can be stored in the cloud where it is safe and accessible no matter where users are. The web-based software and mobile applications seamlessly work together and provide the up-to-the-minute information. Now employees can locate an asset at any given moment and aren’t spending their own valuable time searching for an asset.

Free of ghost assets
Ghost assets are recorded as fixed assets in your business ledger, but in reality, can’t be accounted for since they no longer physically (or digitally) exist. This discrepancy happens because, over the years, you purchase items for your business such as machinery, furniture, and equipment, but these can often disappear or depreciate for various reasons. When your business has inaccurate fixed records due to ghost assets, you’re impacted in a variety of ways, not just in terms of financial or productivity losses. Asset tracking software helps eliminate this.

Free of being stuck behind a desk tracking assets.
Today’s asset tracking software uses smartphones or tablets equipped with barcode scanners to take pictures or scan barcodes of items anywhere in the world. This data is instantly updated in their company’s asset management system, which is then accessible via the Web on any PC or enabled mobile device. These mobile scanners streamline the data entry processes for once time-consuming and error-prone actions like equipment checkout, barcode printing, equipment deployment, and reporting. No more sitting behind a desk manually entering data.

Asset Panda’s asset tracking software is incredibly simple, flexible and completely customizable, meaning that you can track your assets exactly how you want. There’s no more guesswork, frustration or wasted time as you try to hunt down lost assets. And because it’s powered by the cloud, you have access 24 hours a day to real-time, accurate information, including the data your accounting teams require.

Asset Panda’s intuitive interface makes it easy to work from anywhere, on devices you’re already using. That means everyone in your organization can access the right information about your assets—in the right way and at the right time. Available via free mobile apps and on the web, Asset Panda’s asset software gives organizations a comprehensive, lifecycle view of their vital assets and equipment.

See how Asset Panda’s asset software can free your organization and take asset tracking from ordinary to extraordinary with a free 14-day trial. Visit to get started.


Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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