What Makes Asset Tracking Software the Best?

There are many qualities that make a product “the best. ” Is it the best price? Does it have the best customer service? Are the features of product the best compared to the competition? When it comes to asset tracking software, there are a multitude of options available on the market for businesses to consider. The main question most companies ask is “what is the best asset tracking software for my business?”

Asset tracking software manages the lifecycle of each and every asset from the moment it’s scanned and entered into the system. A good asset tracking software is key in knowing where any given asset is at any moment, who has it, when it was checked in/out, and the maintenance history. Asset tracking can also help influence decisions about which assets need to be purchased, redistributed, or discontinued. So let’s look at some of the key features of asset tracking software that can make it “the best” for you.

Time saving.

Equipment used to be tracked with a handwritten ledger or excel spreadsheet. Not anymore. Today’s asset tracking systems are saving companies hours of time that was previously spent manually entering data into these outdated forms of tracking. The simple click of a button from a smartphone or tablet can instantly upload all the necessary data on an asset and it’s ready to be viewed by all stakeholders. Employees can instantly look up an asset and find its location and who has it. Another “best” feature for saving time is the ability to seamlessly integrate data into the software from existing formats. If you have to spend your time re-entering every single bit of data into a new asset tracking system, it probably isn’t the best choice for you.

Real time reporting.

Finding asset tracking software that presents data in real time can be considered one of “the best” features of a system. Because of today’s mobile work environment, assets are constantly on the go. Users need to maintain access to those assets and their status any time of day or night. This real time reporting also helps promote regular maintenance activity, preventing unnecessary repairs or other expenses, which keeps a company’s equipment in good working order.


Asset tracking tools are available at several price points. In picking out the best option for your business, one of the first points to consider is the number of assets you need to track. Not all tools can handle the same number of assets and there is no sense in paying for more capacity than you will need. Look at the different options available and if you have to purchase a bulk number of assets, if there are specials to get started, and how many user accounts you might need.

Flexible & scalable.

Finding the best asset tracking system that is both flexible and scalable is definitely important. Look for a product that offers unlimited users, roles, and locations, along with custom field and actions. See if you can configure permissions, customize asset field requirements, and customize reporting for your specific business or industry. With unlimited fields and configurability, you need your asset tracking software to change as your needs change so that it’s always the perfect platform to meet goals or solve problems—about any number of assets and for any sized company, in any industry.

Ease of use with barcode scanning.

There are many options available when it comes to finding the best and easiest to use asset tracking software. One key feature is how your selected system works with barcode scanning. Do you need to purchase expensive handheld scanners or does it have the ability to allow you to use your own smartphone or tablet instead? With built-in scanning capabilities, you can locate assets when you need them using the barcodes to efficiently share items across teams anytime, anywhere. The mobile apps for Android and iOS devices allow technicians to scan barcodes or manually add assets, check in/check out, and attach pictures, video, audio, and other details about the assets from any connected location. The ability to attach multiple images, video, and voice notes when entering an asset is nice for identifying exactly what that asset is.

Asset Panda is simply one of the best asset tracking systems available. This flexible asset tracking system, available via free mobile apps and on the web, gives organizations large and small a comprehensive, lifecycle view of their vital assets and equipment. Completely customizable, Asset Panda is not just incredibly powerful; it’s also very simple to use. Clients are entitled to an unlimited number of users and may add specific details in their custom entries. The depth of this information enables clients to make better, more informed decisions, eliminates guesswork and costly errors, and ultimately, wasteful spending.

With its free mobile apps, Asset Panda is a great value. The tool requires only a smartphone or tablet to use, or the web. We don’t have hardware and software licenses to pay for upgrades. No separate barcode scanners are required, which saves our customers repair and replacement costs. And, while traditional asset tracking companies require each user to have a license from a PC (which carries an additional fee), Asset Panda offers unlimited users, plus user field security, user location security and area user level security within locations.

At Asset Panda, our mission is to empower companies to track their vital assets exactly how they want. To learn more about the best asset tracking software available, contact Asset Panda at assetpanda.com and start your free 14-day trial today.

Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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