Better Customer Service


Better customer service with Asset Panda.  Asset tracking for service companies using mobile devices is on the rise.  Service companies are searching for better ways to connect with their customers. For example: Service companies with routes are always on the go. Other tracking technologies can get left behind. Asset tracking with Asset Panda can keep up with your business. Know where your assets are and what third party technicians worked on it last while keeping your client in the loop.

What are mobile service company assets? Everything your service company needs to provide service to your clients including: Product, Vehicles, Parts/Tools, Office Supplies, and Equipment. How does asset tracking for mobile service companies work? An AC repair company enters all equipment they have in Asset Panda's on line database segmented by client and equipment. Each client is then given a user name and password that allows them to see each item that are assigned to them. A third party tech is provided with a password and username.  They can then see all the clients equipment on their route. While at the clients site the technician can note all repairs completed and then scheduled routine maintenance going forward. Everyone involved can be sent specific information keeping them all in the loop.

Implementing Asset Panda can have a profound impact on your business.  It will give you a deep level of interaction with your clients that will encourage them to continue to do business with you. The system can be an important way to differentiate you from you competition.

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Rex Kurzius

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