Creating an Organized Plan For Holiday Shopping

You don't have to wait until November to start your Christmas shopping. You can save a great deal of money on your holiday shopping by keeping an eye out for sales and buying gifts as you come across them throughout the year. If you take this route to holiday shopping, you need a way to stay on top of who you’ve bought a gift for, what you purchased, and where you stored it. Without an organized system for keeping track of your purchases, you’ll find yourself scrambling around looking for gifts – and maybe even purchasing duplicate gifts as the holiday approaches. If you lack organization, you’ll defeat the purpose of shopping throughout the year. Doing so is supposed to make the holiday season more relaxed.

Watch the Sales

If you really want to spend an entire year stockpiling Christmas gifts, you can begin your shopping the day after Christmas. You’ll likely be too worn out from the holiday festivities to take this approach, but it’s an option that will present you with deep discounts should you desire to take it. Stores have big sales the day after Christmas, so you can use that day to find deals on gifts for your family and friends. The good thing about shopping throughout the course of the year is that you don’t have to shop with a plan. As long as you keep the fact that you are open to purchasing Christmas gifts in the back of your mind, you can use any shopping trip as an opportunity to cut down on what you have to purchase during the holiday season. If you only shop during the holiday season, you most likely carry a list around with everyone’s name so that you don’t end up in a situation where you realize you forgot to buy a gift after all of the stores have closed on Christmas Eve.

If you think about your Christmas gifts as inventory, an inventory control app like Asset Panda will help you keep track of the purchases you make throughout the year. Each time you spot sales, use it as an opportunity to increase your inventory if you think of someone who would enjoy your purchase By the time most people are just ramping up their holiday shopping, you can be nearing the finish line on your own. If you use software for inventory control, you’ll avoid the expense of buying gifts for people you’ve already purchased gifts for.

Know Your Purchases

There is no reason to shop for Christmas gifts throughout the year if you’re not going to give the gifts to the people you purchased them for. It is easy to fall into this trap if you have no way of visualizing what you purchased. Software for inventory control can solve this problem. If you input and track what you purchase, you can go back a review your purchases as the holiday approaches. If you stored the items away, the software can also refresh your memory not only on what you purchased, but where you stored the items. You have the ability to input as much information as necessary when you create your inventory. It’s important to include as many details as you need to make sure your purchases serve their intended purpose.

If you spend time buying gifts throughout the year, you can use the Christmas holiday season as a way to spend time with your family and friends instead of in crowded stores hoping to find gifts that are suitable for the important people in your life.


Krista has developed a passion for operational strategy via KPI management, streamlined processes, implementation of automation systems, and scaling Asset Panda. When she isn't attempting to help take the company to new heights, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, playing golf, cooking, and a good glass of wine.

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