3 Ways to Use Data Import Software to Make System Migrations Easier


Change is jarring and uncomfortable for most people. Whenever a company needs to transition to a new data system, they must prepare for a big change. Data and system migration is a challenge for even the most technically literate companies out there because of how much has to change. Employees must learn how to use a new system, and moving large amounts of data from one location to another is a colossal task.

Studies show that 80% of data migration and integration projects don't succeed, so it's no surprise there are many reasons importing data from one system to another can be so difficult. The biggest one is lack of data analysis and understanding. Many companies only consider the data migration aspect of the process as an afterthought, which makes them more susceptible to fail.

When you need a new system to keep up with your asset tracking needs, you can't afford to lose asset data. Your business doesn't have to be in the 80%. With data import software, you'll be prepared for every aspect of the data migration process.

There are several ways to make the most of your data import software and make your migration go as smoothly as possible.

Plan Ahead

Large amounts of data can make problem identification difficult and time consuming. But neglecting to take the time to analyze that data can create worse problems later on. The more notice you have on your data migration, the more time you'll have to prepare for it. And the more time you have to prepare for it, the smoother your migration process will go.

Planning to clean, format, and map your data before migration will help prevent several problems, and reduce stress.

Businesses often focus on system functionality over data quality. But types and needs of data will facilitate the kind of functionality your system requires.

Analyze Your Data Before Migration

There are many issues that come up during data migration simply because organizations did not analyze their data ahead of time. These can include things like damaged or corrupt data and inconsistent or duplicate entries in your company's database. You might even have old files your company doesn't use, and are just taking up space.

Businesses often run into problems where they build systems based on what they think their data looks like instead of what their data actually looks like. Their databases then don't have the functions they need, and might need to be scrapped completely.

Pre-migration audits will help you identify these and others issues, and help you know what kinds of functions you need in your new system.

Clean and Reformat Your Data

Like most companies, your data will likely be organized messily, or not at all. Duplicate entries can make searches obsolete or more susceptible to corruption. Removing copies of entries and making sure there are no invalid entries will help you prevent corruption and make it more readable in your new system.

Moving to another system will likely require formats different from what you are currently using. Excel spreadsheets will only load in excel compatible programs, and if your company is using a system that does not read excel files, you will need to reformat it.

Once you're ready to migrate asset data, Asset Panda can smooth out the migration process. Our easily configurable program makes it easy to import data from spreadsheets into our platform.

Want to see just how easy migrating data with Asset Panda can be? Schedule a free demo today!


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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