How Electronic Asset Tracking Can Make Your Job Easier

When you’ve got customers to please and employees to manage, asset tracking might be the last thing on your mind. Using an electronic asset tracking system is not only more efficient than tracking assets manually, but it also makes your job easier.

Many companies use dozens, if not hundreds, of pieces of equipment on a day to day basis. From computer screens to warehouse machinery, most businesses rely on a variety of tools and equipment to get the job done. Just the thought of implementing a system to track your assets can be overwhelming.

However, when you look at all of the benefits your company will experience by adopting an electronic asset tracking system, implementation starts to look attractive.
  • Optimize worker efficiency: It takes time to locate equipment and tools. When you don’t have a system in place, your workers might not know where to look to get what they need to do their job. They could spend countless hours searching the warehouse, or contacting other employees who may not have the answer. With the right system, your employees can pull up each asset on the database and locate it in no time.
  • Minimize equipment downtime: When your machinery and tools suddenly stop working and need to go in for repairs, it can throw off your work flow big time. But when you can track repair history and get your assets in for preventative maintenance, you don’t have to compromise any of your work time. You can plan around missing equipment and optimize work time accordingly.
  • Prevent asset loss and theft: Without a tracking system in place, assets can walk away and you won’t know what happened to them. Electronic asset tracking systems can help you track tools and equipment in real time. With GPS or RFID tags, you’ll know if equipment or tools leave the work space.
  • Keep accurate and up-to-date records: Your database of asset information can be updated by all of your employees. When all of your workers are part of the record-keeping process, you’re more likely to have correct and current information. More eyes are likely to spot errors in the database. Workers in the field have more direct contact with your assets on a day-to-day basis, and are the first to know when a piece of equipment starts acting up.
  • Save money: You can prevent costly emergency repairs by tracking equipment maintenance. When you can track repairs and maintenance history for your machines and tools, you can predict repairs and get them done before your equipment breaks. When you can track data about each of your assets, you’ll have all the information you need to make important decisions about acquiring new assets and each asset’s value over its lifetime.

Not all asset tracking software is made equal. While some software programs do require a lot of training and time to implement, Asset Panda’s ease of use makes it less daunting to adopt. Our cloud-based platform makes it easy for your employees to access the asset database from mobile devices they keep on hand. When they’re out in the field, they can access the database to see repair history and asset location at a moment’s notice. Whether you have 10 workers or 10,000, all of them can access Asset Panda without any issue.

Want to see just how easy it is to use Asset Panda? Take a free guided tour today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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