You, Your Family Your Business, and Your Belongings

Could you list everything you own or how much each thing is worth? Not just the big things like your car. But everything else, including your software, your jewelry, your family treasures, and everything else.

Don't worry. Few people can. You can probably remember the general things you own. You probably know whether it's doing what you need it to. But the fact is that you couldn't list them with much specificity, and this leaves you open to all kinds of problems.

Protecting Your Belongings

Keeping track of what you own is one of the most important things you can do to protect your belongings, whether in your home or your business. Knowing what you have is the first step in this process, a process known as asset management.

Actual physical asset management is not just for the rich and famous. It's really just an official term for keeping track of the things you own. While you can do this through a simple notebook or a general online list, it works best to use a software package that will allow you to input, organize, and update all of your belongings. After all, as the months pass, you're going to be buying new things, getting rid of broken ones, and preserving your old treasures. This means that you need a system that will let you search your belongings and update them with ease as needed.

Time Involved

When you start pulling together all of your belongings and putting them into a list, it can take hours, maybe even days. At least if you're using a pen and paper method or a general spreadsheet. While it might take little more than a couple afternoons if you hire someone, you can actually pay hundreds of dollars for a service you could do on your own.

The key is to invest in a good asset software program like Asset Panda. Because of the software's intuitive interface

Could you list everything you own or how much each thing is worth? Not just the big things like your car. But everything else, including your software, your jewelry, your family treasures, and everything else.

Don't worry. Few people can. You can probably remember the general things you own. You probably know whether it's doing what you need it to. But the fact is that you couldn't list them with much specificity, and this leaves you open to all kinds of problems.

Protecting Your Belongings

Keeping track of what you own is one of the most important things you can do to protect your belongings, whether in your home or your business. Knowing what you have is the first step in this process, a process known as asset management.

Actual physical asset management is not just for the rich and famous. It's really just an official term for keeping track of the things you own. While you can do this through a simple notebook or a general online list, it works best to use a software package that will allow you to input, organize, and update all of your belongings. After all, as the months pass, you're going to be buying new things, getting rid of broken ones, and preserving your old treasures. This means that you need a system that will let you search your belongings and update them with ease as needed.

Time Involved

When you start pulling together all of your belongings and putting them into a list, it can take hours, maybe even days. At least if you're using a pen and paper method or a general spreadsheet. While it might take little more than a couple afternoons if you hire someone, you can actually pay hundreds of dollars for a service you could do on your own.

The key is to invest in a good asset software program like Asset Panda. Because of the software's intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily add all of your belongings throughout your house or your business. How much time it takes all depends on how much you have to catalog, although you can probably accomplish most of it within a few short afternoons.

Why Bother

Now you might be wondering why you would even care about physical asset management. After all, it's not like a great software package like Asset Panda is going to keep bad things from happening. And that's true. Asset Panda isn't a guard panda that hangs out, waiting to beat away thieves and disaster.

However, physical asset management protects against increased property loss. If you wind up being robbed or your house or business is flooded or burned, you'll have to go through a long and frustrating insurance claims process. If you've kept good records of your possessions through an asset management program, then you'll be able to use it to demonstrate what you owned and the value as well. Otherwise, you'll have to work from memory, and insurance companies are disinclined to agree with assessments that aren't backed up by reports, documentation, and excessive paperwork. In some cases, you might not be able to get anything at all.

Asset management also keeps you aware of what you own. It's not uncommon for people to buy warranties for products and then forget to use them. With Asset Panda, you can make note of the warranties so that you don't have to scramble about and find out when that warranty expired. It also helps you to remember when you purchased something, what its value is, and give yourself a better idea of when you need to replace it. Large scale purchases like printers, computers, cars, appliances, and the like can put a vicious dent in your budget if you don't start saving early. By knowing what you have, you can start to plan in advance., you can quickly and easily add all of your belongings throughout your house or your business. How much time it takes all depends on how much you have to catalog, although you can probably accomplish most of it within a few short afternoons.

Why Bother

Now you might be wondering why you would even care about physical asset management. After all, it's not like a great software package like Asset Panda is going to keep bad things from happening. And that's true. Asset Panda isn't a guard panda that hangs out, waiting to beat away thieves and disaster.

However, physical asset management protects against increased property loss. If you wind up being robbed or your house or business is flooded or burned, you'll have to go through a long and frustrating insurance claims process. If you've kept good records of your possessions through an asset management program, then you'll be able to use it to demonstrate what you owned and the value as well. Otherwise, you'll have to work from memory, and insurance companies are disinclined to agree with assessments that aren't backed up by reports, documentation, and excessive paperwork. In some cases, you might not be able to get anything at all.

Asset management also keeps you aware of what you own. It's not uncommon for people to buy warranties for products and then forget to use them. With Asset Panda, you can make note of the warranties so that you don't have to scramble about and find out when that warranty expired. It also helps you to remember when you purchased something, what its value is, and give yourself a better idea of when you need to replace it. Large scale purchases like printers, computers, cars, appliances, and the like can put a vicious dent in your budget if you don't start saving early. By knowing what you have, you can start to plan in advance. Start your free trial today.


Krista has developed a passion for operational strategy via KPI management, streamlined processes, implementation of automation systems, and scaling Asset Panda. When she isn't attempting to help take the company to new heights, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, playing golf, cooking, and a good glass of wine.

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