First Responders Can Act Faster With the Help of Fire Tracking Software

First responders in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), fire departments, or relief organizations need to be ready to respond to a crisis situation at the drop of a hat. Even an extra minute spent searching for life-saving assets can make the difference between life and death. One ten-second delay or small mistake can lead to destruction of property or loss of life.

Fire teams need to rest easy knowing that their gear and vehicles are ready to go at a moments notice. EMS teams need to know the location of the medical supplies needed to respond to a medical emergency. They also need to track their shared and specialized equipment in real time to match the immediate response required in an emergency.

Fire tracking software can help everyone on the team do their job a little faster. Fire captains can use it to increase the efficiency of their crew by making sure they know where to find their gear when the alarm bells ring. Dispatchers will know how equipped each crew is, which will help them make quick decisions on which crews to send into each situation. First responders and EMS don't have to spend a second longer than necessary looking for the equipment necessary for each situation.

Such software helps fire crews and EMS teams keep track of the following information:
  • out-of-service equipment
  • expiration dates of medication and perishable supplies
  • medical supplies
  • status of fire engines
  • equipment maintenance details.

The software also includes barcode scanning, which uses asset tags to track first aid kits, stretchers, ambulances, and more by their location and status of use. Other team members can use the software to streamline the inventory process. The time saved doing inventory can then be used for other administrative duties that keep each crew running smoothly.

Asset Panda's fire department and EMS asset tracking helps first responders know where their assets are located and what condition they are in. The software provides immediate access to information about their available medication, medical equipment, defibrillators, vehicles, fire gear, and even power tools. Having this information available at the tip of your fingers can help you get what you need for each situation.

The cost effective and configurable platform allows emergency personnel to define and customize relevant information. This data can be limited to specific access parameters like vehicles, fire stations, ambulances, and storage rooms. That way, it is only accessible when it is needed.

This cloud based software helps in the following areas:
  • Manage and maintain medical supplies
  • Centralize inventory management between fire stations and ambulances
  • Keep accurate inventory records to efficiently allocate resources and determine their status (who is using them, how often they are being used, what situations are they used in, etc)
  • Eliminate data entry errors and duplicate entries
  • Reduce the amount of money spent replacing lost equipment. Since you'll know where everything is, you won't have to keep replacing it.
  • Produce and access advanced reports to determine needed products for fire stations and ambulances
  • Verify that your fire truck is equipped with everything you could need and leave within seconds
  • Use the mobile devices you already carry with you so you don't have to obtain additional hardware
  • Keep track of and maintain safety suits gear used in fighting fires

Want to see how Asset Panda's Fire Tracking Software can help you run your station smoothly? Sign up for our free guided tour today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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