How to Keep Hardware Asset Tracking from Getting out of Hand

No matter what size business you run, managing all your hardware asset tracking can quickly get out of hand. Whether you have a couple of computers to manage, or a couple thousand, tracking everything can become an arduous task that you have to add to the list.

Here are some ways to prevent the hardware tracking system from getting out of hand.

Be Deliberate in Your Hardware Asset Management

Putting off asset tracking management until something explodes is often what gets companies into financial trouble. Emergency repairs or replacements get expensive and mess with your workflow.

Instead of tracking your assets by the seat of your pants, create a system that becomes part of the tasks you have to complete to run your business. Don’t worry about making the perfect system, just get something in place. The more automation you can bring to tracking your assets, the easier it will be for you.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure you do it with purpose.

Create a System Everyone Can Follow

Creating an overly complex system, no matter how well you can track it, will only create more issues. Sure, maybe you can follow it. But what happens when the system becomes larger than you? What happens when you need to bring someone else on to the management team? They don’t operate the same way you do and may not understand your system at all.

Instead of making asset tracking a task only one or two people work on, make it a part of everyone’s work. Whenever they use company equipment or tools, make them go through a series of steps that track asset information as it’s being used.

This is a win-win solution in several ways. The constant tracking that only takes a couple of extra minutes gives you information in real-time about where assets are and how they’re being used. Collecting that information over time will help you get a better idea of your entire company’s asset situation. That data will help you make more informed decisions about what to invest in and what to leave behind.

Find Scalable Hardware Asset Tracking Solutions

The ultimate goal of any business is to grow and expand. You want to get bigger because that means you’re doing well as a business. But if your hardware asset tracking solution can’t scale with you, you’ll have to reinvent the wheel every time you get bigger. That only creates unnecessary work for you.

The best scalable solution is one that can work for small businesses just as well as it works for large ones. It’s one that’s customizable to how your business works, so you don’t have to adapt to a new software program just to make sure your equipment and technology works as expected. And we’ve created exactly that at Asset Panda.

Our platform supports unlimited users, so you won’t have to pay an insane amount as your profits expand. Pay only for what you need and don’t worry about extra features that will only bring you down.

We created a cloud-based system that scales with you, so you can keep the well-oiled machine going as you bring on new talent. Trying to run a manual system when you bring on more people makes the training process more complicated and challenging. Instead, choose a system that’s intuitive and easy to use, simplifying training procedures.

Want to see how Asset Panda can help you keep your hardware asset tracking in check? Take a free guided tour today!


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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