Hospital Asset Tracking and Management in Times of Crisis

The hurricane season has been especially brutal this year. Names like Harvey and Irma will be engrained in the memories of many for a very long time. Those monster storms brought devastation to major cities and smaller towns alike. No one was spared from their wrath. During times of crisis, hospitals play an incredibly important role in taking care of those who need care during and after the storm passes. During these trying times, hospital asset tracking and management can truly play a life or death role.

On a normal day, hospitals are expected to run with efficiency and a focus on the patients. No one has the time to search for missing assets or pieces of equipment when they have patients waiting on them to receive care. Nor do medical staff want the unpleasant surprise of broken equipment that needs to be repaired and is no longer able to aid their patients. No matter the situation, hospital staff always should know what equipment they have, where it is, and its condition.

Now take that everyday hospital environment and flip it around as an impending crisis -- like a hurricane -- is approaching. Medical staff needs to be prepared for the absolute worst case scenarios. They need to have access to all the tools and equipment to provide optimal care to patients in need in a variety of situations. From cardiac incidents to massive trauma, ortho issues to OBGYN, bandaids to pharmaceuticals. Medical staff need to have the equipment and supportive tools to do their job. Time and safety is of the essence and if the medical staff is not prepared with everything they need, patients lives are on the line.

With a mass chaos incident, keeping tabs on the equipment and knowing where it is and who has it is so important. That’s where a good hospital asset tracking and management system comes into play. Utilizing a software program like this in place during normal operating situations is important, but it really shows its value and worth when more critical situations arise. Hospital asset tracking and management software helps facilities manage inventory, keep up with rented or leased equipment, can provide alerts when it’s time for an asset to go in for repair or upgrades, and helps control unnecessary costs financially and in employee time.

Unfortunately, hospitals and medical facilities aren’t out of the “strike zone” in cases like hurricanes. Many of them are hit just as other homes and businesses. Equipment can be damaged or even destroyed. Hospital tracking and management programs allow facilities to create a customized database of all of their vital assets and specific details about each of them. If the equipment is lost, there is a record in place that the equipment existed – important for when it needs to be replaced and in dealing with insurance. If it’s damaged, you can take photos and/or videos of the before/after and attach them to the record. Staff can upload repair details – the when, where and when it will return, look at the warranty, or if it’s leased, review the terms. These are all important pieces of information needed during a storm or for normal everyday operations.

When lives are at risk and medical staff needs to prepare for a catastrophic event, hospital asset tracking and management is a key component no medical facility should be without. Asset Panda’s Healthcare Asset Tracking Platform is the perfect tool to help staff focus on patients – not on missing assets. Asset Panda makes it easy to locate medical equipment, access maintenance records, and ascertain the status of each piece of equipment in real time, from anywhere.

Using free mobile apps that sync with the cloud, our hospital asset tracking and management platform works with your team to make sure they have the necessary information to access important medical assets when they need it. Asset Panda easily integrates with your current software and is flexible to change as your needs change. Thanks to a built-in mobile scanner, the team can scan each asset using their own smartphone or tablet to access full histories, generate reports, track maintenance schedules, create alerts, view check in/check out status, or even submit help tickets.

When you have the right asset tracking system in place, especially in times of crisis, every single stakeholder has access to the lifecycle of vital assets. Don’t let your medical facility be caught in the next storm unprepared. Find out why some of the biggest names in health care have chosen us to help them manage their most vital assets. Visit today and get started with a free 14-day trial.

Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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