How to use Asset Panda as a Mobile Enterprise Service Desk


Before mobile asset tracking software, anytime you had an issue with an asset, you would have to pick up the phone and call around to find a person, team, or company responsible for a warranty, repair, general maintenance, or more.

But today, new platforms are revolutionizing the answers to questions like "What does a service desk do?" and "What is a customer service desk?"

Asset Panda can be configured as your mobile enterprise service desk to manage your IT department's daily support requests efficiently. You can set up a system where users scan a barcode or QR code, select what service they need, and automatically notify the appropriate team or vendor to get the process moving quickly. When an IT department repairs an asset, closing the ticket in Asset Panda can do everything from notifying the user to updating the status of the equipment in your database.

What is a mobile service desk?

A mobile service desk is a service that allows employees to use their smartphones or other mobile devices to submit and manage requests for assistance. A service desk app can include:

  • Requests for support with IT issues
  • Requests for new equipment
  • Any other type of request

A mobile service desk can be a great way to improve efficiency and communication within your organization. By allowing employees to submit requests for assistance directly from their phones, you can minimize the time it takes them to get the help they need. You can also use a mobile service desk to provide access to support information and resources so employees can troubleshoot issues on their own whenever possible.

If you're looking for a way to improve communication and efficiency within your organization's asset management system, a mobile service desk may be the solution you've been searching for.

Benefits of mobile help desks for asset management

The benefits of a mobile help or service desk for your assets are numerous. For your employees, it provides a more streamlined, efficient, and effective way to submit and manage service requests. This ensures that they're able to feel taken care of by their employer and feel as though their needs are being met, rather than submitting tickets that need to be dealt with promptly and leaving them feeling stuck.

A mobile help desk also helps you save on the costs of expensive service visits that might be eliminated in some cases with simple information like manuals or troubleshooting guides that can be attached to equipment records in your mobile help desk's application.

Finally, customer-facing benefits can include improved response times, reduced delays to order fulfillment, and easy access to critical information at any location that can help your employees serve your customers better than ever.

Asset management tools that offer a mobile enterprise service desk can offer many practical benefits that will improve your customer service response time and keep your customers and employees happy.

But how does it differ from the original approach to the service desk?

The old service desk approach

In the traditional approach to service desks, the most significant trait is what's known as the break-fix model. When an asset stops working the way it's supposed to, the employee using it submits a ticket to IT or the service department, who then moves through the process of either repairing or replacing the item.

The problem with this approach is that it's much more reactive than proactive, and there are often significant lag times between when an item is broken or becomes unusable and when you may replace it or put it back into operation. This leads to substantial delays for employees (s) who may need that asset to do their job effectively.

In addition, this type of service desk often requires a physical location where employees can submit tickets and talk to representatives in person. And this can lead to long wait times, wasted time traveling to the service desk, and more opportunities for things to go wrong.

The modern service desk solution

A mobile service desk takes a very different approach that is much more proactive than reactive. With a mobile service desk, employees can submit requests for assistance directly from their phones or other mobile devices. 

A proactive approach means there is no need to wait until an asset breaks before submitting a ticket - you can submit a request as soon as you notice something isn't working right. It can also allow you to schedule regular maintenance for your leased equipment to reduce the frequency of repairs and breakdowns.

This also allows employees to troubleshoot issues independently, wherever they may be, without waiting until they're back in the office. This can save time and money since employees won't have to take time away from work to see a service desk representative.

In addition, mobile service desks often provide access to support information and resources that employees can use to resolve issues whenever possible. This saves time for everyone involved and helps ensure that fewer tickets are submitted that require a lengthy resolution process.

A mobile service desk is an excellent way to improve communication and efficiency within your organization's asset management system. By allowing employees to submit requests for assistance directly from their phones, you can minimize the amount of time that it takes for them to get the help they need.

Top features of a mobile help desk

The most essential features of an asset management mobile help desk are the ability to quickly and easily report issues, track assets, and manage work orders. Other features that can be helpful include barcode scanning, maintenance scheduling, audit capabilities, and custom reporting.

Robust asset tracking systems with help desk functionality offer users these features. A smartphone app also allows users to view asset history, check their work order status in real-time, and manage all their assets from one place.

Here are three ways you can use Asset Panda as a mobile enterprise service desk:

In the Field: Asset Panda's mobile app can be used in the field to report issues and track assets. For example, if an asset is broken or needs to be serviced, the user can take a picture of the asset and submit a work order from within the app. This allows users to quickly and easily report issues without returning to the office.

If an employee needs to transfer an asset to a different department, they can also do so from within the app. This eliminates the need for employees to call customer service or email customer service with questions about their assets. It also provides a transparent chain of custody for all your equipment.

At Facilities: Users can also manage their assets from the facility using Asset Panda's mobile app. This eliminates the need for employees to visit a specific office or call customer service with questions about their assets. The mobile app also allows users to see their asset history, check on the status of their work orders in real-time, and manage all of their assets from one place.

Other asset management software features to look for

Here are some other features an asset management platform with help desk functionality can offer.

Barcode scanning

The barcode scanner makes it easy for employees to quickly find information about an asset or service request without spending hours searching through files or folders. Barcodes are assigned at each facility by department so employees can scan them when they need access to certain assets.

This is especially helpful when there are many different types of assets with similar names across multiple departments because these items will have unique identifiers, and employees will only select the correct item inadvertently while working in the field.

Maintenance scheduling for your asset inventory

Another valuable feature for facilities-based workers is Asset Panda's maintenance scheduling feature. Asset Panda enables asset managers to set up specific maintenance windows for each asset in the system. When the time comes, a notification can go out to your teams to ensure everything is handled and recorded in the system.

Mobile auditing capabilities

mobile asset audit feature for field employees is also helpful. Audits can be distributed across teams and locations to perform a spot check of the status and location of your assets. With a simple barcode scan, users can verify that the vital data about the equipment entrusted to them is up to date.

Using Asset Panda as a mobile enterprise service desk

Asset Panda is the perfect solution for businesses that want a mobile enterprise service desk to manage their assets effectively and keep employees happy and productive.

The smartphone app offers users a variety of features that make it easy to report issues, track assets, and manage work orders. Asset Panda is also affordable and easy to use, making it the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes. 

Try Asset Panda today and see how it can help your business run more efficiently! You'll get 14 days of free access and much more (no card required).

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