Managing Your Devices in the Era of One-to-One Learning


It’s no secret that our approach to education has changed drastically in recent years. COVID forced schools to rapidly adapt to remote teaching and, as a result, one-to-one learning is here to stay.

Because of the expedited nature of schools adopting one-to-one learning, many IT folks like yourself are feeling frustrated with flawed device management practices. You’re spending extra time chasing down Chromebooks and, if they do get returned, you’re seeing a lot more damaged items than you’d hoped to. K-12 schools across the country are feeling this pain but, luckily, hindsight is 20/20.

Now, it’s time to apply everything you’ve learned from these past few years and look ahead to the future. As you purchase or plan to purchase new devices for your school, a proper asset management platform is key to your success. Let’s look at how school asset management software works and its benefits.

What Is School Asset Management Software?

School asset management software helps IT professionals like you track and manage all your devices, from students’ Chromebooks to classroom TVs and Smartboards. With all your devices listed in one convenient platform, you can easily check items in and out, see who they’re assigned to, and track their current condition – something especially crucial in a one-to-one learning environment.

The right school asset management tool helps you take the guesswork out of your job and know what’s going on with your devices at any given time. This means no more playing hide and seek with your assets or hoping they’re in working order when they’re finally returned.

What Are the Benefits of School Asset Management Software?

Tracking your devices in one convenient platform has various benefits, both for you and your entire school or district. Let’s dig deeper into 4 benefits of school asset management software.

Easily Check Devices In and Out

Whether you’re deploying Chromebooks to thousands of students or checking TVs out to teachers for the day, an asset management platform can dramatically speed up the process. Track exactly which device is assigned to a student or faculty member and easily check items in and out by scanning their barcodes. This way, you can quickly see when a device is overdue for return and who has it, instead of manually sorting through spreadsheets trying to chase it down.

Track Maintenance and Repairs

When a Chromebook is returned with missing keys, a cracked screen, or some other kind of damage, you can streamline the process to update its status to ‘Damaged’ and even send it out for repair. By choosing a school asset management software that integrates with your helpdesk, you can create a ticket and automatically update the device’s status to Available once the ticket is completed. This helps you break down silos in your repair processes and always keep your device statuses accurate and up to date.

Increase Accountability and Compliance

With detailed asset records, you can see the entire lifecycle of a device from purchase to disposal. This helps you hold your entire team accountable for your asset management processes and enforce compliance for grant requirements. Plus, reporting on the entire lifecycle of your asset estate helps you make smart purchase decisions in the future. With an asset management solution that gives access to everyone, you can ensure everyone from your Principals to Executive Technology Directors is on the same page.

Build a Better Plan

When you can account for the collective status and condition of your devices, you can easily decide what needs to be replaced and when. This means no scrambling to order and distribute devices to students and faculty – you can have a solid plan in place ahead of time and properly secure the funding you need to build a more sustainable future for your district.

Manage Your Devices with Asset Panda

Whether you’re managing IT devices for one school or an entire district, school asset management software can benefit you in numerous ways. And when it comes to choosing the right software, Asset Panda is your best bet.

With Asset Panda, you can track and manage every last Chromebook in our fully customizable platform – we work to match your naming conventions and processes, not the other way around. Plus, you can easily integrate Asset Panda into your existing tech stack to efficiently manage your devices in one centralized place.

Ready to implement a smarter asset management solution? Request your demo today.

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