Diving Into Non-Traditional Industry Assets Tracking

Assets and tracking are two phrases that go hand in hand these days. There are so many different industries that have assets to be tracked. From small start-ups to large billion dollar corporations, selecting the best fit in assets tracking software has become more accessible for everyone.

No matter the industry, teams work with assets in lots of different ways and they need access to information about those assets in a way that not only doesn’t impede workflow, but makes that workflow more productive. Let’s explore three non-traditional industries and how incorporating assets tracking is relevant and useful in daily operations:

Fashion Industry
The fashion industry is very fast-paced and must respond to current trends in a flash. Design houses are planning for future seasons, while at the same time dealing with customer needs, fashion shows, fashion shoots and construction of collections. Under such challenging conditions, tracking, managing, and supporting their fixed assets are incredibly important from both a business and financial standpoint. Fashion companies need a system that moves with them throughout every seasonal change and every fashion trend.

Take for example, a photo shoot. Depending on the size of the shoot, there could be a large number of expensive accessories and clothing on location that are loaned from a designer. It’s the responsibility of the team at the shoot to be fully responsible for every item in use. Additionally, the design team who loans the clothes out for the shoot also needs to maintain a clear chain of possession, ie knowing what items are loaned out to whom, where they are going, and the condition they are in when they left the design house. Without a proper asset management plan, not keeping up with these assets can be a tremendous drain on both parties time and budget. A strong fashion assets tracking system can also help avoid unnecessary replacement of items that are lost or missing.

Oil and Gas Industry
Oil and gas companies have the tough task of tracking expensive assets which are always on the move. Many times these assets are going out to remote areas and are on site for many months. These pieces of equipment are critical to the jobs of the workers and they need to be kept in the best condition possible and tracked for maintenance and repairs in order to stay in good working order.

Oil and gas assets cannot be tracked by shared Excel spreadsheets. That outdated system is error prone and with the exorbitant cost of many of these assets, companies need to find a way to save time and money, ensuring the team can have 24/7 access to the more up to date data on an asset. A sound asset tracking and management system can help oil and gas companies handle the struggles of an already challenging drilling and refining process by allowing the team to concentrate on making the environment safer with properly maintained tools, and it allows for reports on the equipment which is important for budgeting and forecasting projects ahead. Managing a site can be a major drain on the budget that might spiral out of control without the proper management and forward thinking.

Proper assets tracking software can lead towards smarter decisions regarding repairs and replacements, and more productive days and benefits that reach far into the future. Pulling the plug on a tool or job-related device used to be a frustrating decision based on assumptions and guesses. With proper asset tracking, hard data supports important decisions and helps save money in the long run.

Fire Departments/EMS
The assets available to fire-rescue departments, relief organizations or Emergency Medical Services (EMS) can mean the difference between life and death. For these workers, having complete knowledge about their assets—from where they are to the condition they’re in—is key. Utilizing a configurable asset tracking platform is a cost-effective solution that allows firefighters/paramedics and other personnel to customize and define information fields that are pertinent to their particular work. Data is secured with access parameters and can be limited to areas such as storage rooms, vehicles, fire stations, ambulances, clinics, shelters, and the like. EMS crews can maintain, manage and preserve medical stock, ensuring it does not fall into the wrong hands.

For many departments, assets are used between multiple locations and crews. Keeping tabs on who has what and where centralizes material management across departments and emergency ambulances. One of the most useful features for fire/EMS asset tracking is the ability to run advanced reports to quickly determine which products are needed at fire stations, ambulances, clinics, etc. ensuring that crews have the items they need at any given time.

Asset Panda helps industries and companies of all sizes track, manage and support their assets throughout their life cycle. Asset Panda is highly configurable so it can become whatever you need it to be. It puts everything you need to know about your assets in one place so you can access that information at any time, from anywhere, on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Track repairs, upgrades, and damage. Prepare and print reports. Save time over using ledger and paper.

Take a closer look at your business/industry and see if your assets tracking procedures are making a difference. If not, maybe it’s time to make a change. Asset Panda offers a free 14-day trial. Check out the video below about Asset Panda or visit www.assetpanda.com to get started.



Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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