Protect Your Millions of Dollars in Your Oil and Gas Assets

You need to keep your oil and gas operations running smoothly so your workers stay safe during long shifts. That means tracking equipment and any oil and gas assets that are often moving and operating. Higher-ups demand the job gets done on time, or you could lose your funding.

There are many oil and gas assets vital to your operation. From finding oil and gas deposits, to extracting and selling them to retail markets, you need a lot of equipment to see the process from start to finish. These assets fall into three main camps: upstream, midstream, or downstream. Upstream includes assets used to explore for and appraise gas and oil deposits. Midstream includes assets used for processing, storing, and transporting oil and gas. Downstream includes using crude oil processes to refine into products like kerosene, gasoline, and diesel to be distributed via retail networks.

You couldn't do your job without your drilling equipment, oil treatment plants, transport equipment gas separators, pumps, and compressors. There's a lot of money invested in those assets, and you can't afford to lose track of them.

The phrase “time is money” couldn't be more appropriate to your business. Interrupting work because of machinery failure or misplaced equipment can literally cost you millions in both revenue and lost time. You need to keep your operation as efficient and effective as possible.

An asset tracking platform like Asset Panda can help you minimize the cost of running your rigs and keep your employees protected. Our platform easily integrates into your existing system, or replaces the time consuming spreadsheets you may still be using. Our app helps your company create and maintain a comprehensive database to keep track of your gas separators and drilling equipment. You can even use it to keep track of accessories like couplings, collars, and plugs.

Each asset has its own entry with details like replacement costs, purchase values, and usage notes. These entries will help you and your workers know exactly who has used what piece of equipment, and what needs to go in for repairs.

Because many oil and gas drill sites are subject to extreme weather, you need to stay up to date on the status of your assets. All of your employees can access our database through mobile devices they already carry with them, so you don't have to wait until you're on site to know if there's a problem with a vital piece of equipment.

With our in the cloud database, you can track your oil and gas assets from anywhere at anytime. Manage offshore sites while you're working a shift at your onshore rig, or check up on maintenance for your rigging equipment from home. And if you need to transport machinery like generators or compressors from one work site to another, you can use Asset Panda's mobile platform to track the status of your machinery, preventing it from being stolen or lost in the process.

You can personalize each instance of our software. For example, if you only want asset data to be accessible from a specific geographical location, you can set location requirements for that asset. These settings will tap into the user's GPS in their mobile device to check if they are in the required area before allowing them access to that asset's information.

And should you decide to consolidate or sell company assets to raise money for your ventures, Asset Panda's extensive store of information will help you know exactly what your assets are worth and how much money you can get out of them.

Want to see how Asset Panda's platform will incorporate into your oil or gas operation? Sign up for a free trial today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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