Preparing for an Extended Vacation

A long extended vacation on the beach or in some other exotic destination sounds like the perfect recipe for relaxation. One of the ways that you can make it better is to make sure that your home is sufficiently prepared for your extended absence. Without sufficient preparation, your home could suffer damage, and you make yourself a greater target for theft.

Securely Store Your Most Valuable Possessions

If you have valuables in your house like family heirlooms, jewelry, and the like, you should not leave it in the house for your extended vacation unless you have a secure safe. Take these and put them in a safe location like a safety deposit box.

When you're shifting your possessions around like this, it's more important than ever to use inventory software. You won't be able to keep all of your valuables in a single location. It's also a good idea to put smaller electronics in a safe place like a secure storage facility. This will remove the items most often targeted by thieves. Because your possessions are going to so many different places, you will want to make sure that you use the Asset Panda asset inventory software to keep track of what you have and where it's at. Otherwise, you risk losing it if you forget to reclaim it within a certain amount of time. Include any other information that you will need to get your possessions back.

Even if you decide that you're going to have someone come and housesit for you, this is still a good precaution. Even if the person who is coming to stay in your house is completely trustworthy, you can avoid just forgetting where you put something and thinking the worst of your house sitter. By keeping your inventory software updated, you maintain an accurate track of what you have and where it is.

Treat for Insects

As delightful as your vacation is, returning home to find roaches and ants filling your home is just about as nightmarish. A lot of things can happen while you're gone. Scraps of fruit or vegetables in the drain could provide sufficient breeding grounds for gnats to make a nest. Roaches and ants can make significant inroads through your walls and floors. The only way to prevent this is to make sure that you thoroughly clean before you leave. You should also take the time to treat the perimeters of the house and any of the cracks. Set out ant and roach traps if they are a big problem in your area.

Keep the Cabinets Open and the Windows Closed

With the exception of your clothing closets and alcohol cabinets, you need to make sure that the cupboards and closets are opened. This is only necessary if you are going to be gone for more than three weeks. The purpose of opening the doors is to allow for increased air circulation. Because you have already treated for insects, you don't have to worry about them getting into your pantry. Make sure that the doors are opened all the way, but also check to make sure that the open doors are not obstructing any of the airways or vents.

Even in the summer, you should not leave the windows open. Close them securely, but leave the ceiling fans on low to keep the air flowing. This is more important in the summer months than in the winter months because of the air flow. If the air is overly damp in the house, you may want to have a dehumidifier running on the lowest setting possible to keep the house from molding.


Krista has developed a passion for operational strategy via KPI management, streamlined processes, implementation of automation systems, and scaling Asset Panda. When she isn't attempting to help take the company to new heights, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, playing golf, cooking, and a good glass of wine.

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