Send Out Your Care Packages

When you have friends and family members who are overseas or just far away, it's important to make sure that they know you are thinking of them and that you love them. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to send out care packages. It's not the usual sort of thing that you would use inventory software control techniques for, but by implementing some inventory strategies, you can make your care package production easier and more efficient. This will leave you even more time to plan the delightful surprises that will let your loved ones know just how much you care about them.

Plan the Contents of Your Care Packages

Before you send off the package, you need to take the time to plan out the contents. Consider how long it's going to take for your package to get there, and then think about how much damage the package will receive. Keep in mind that when you're mailing a package overseas, it will endure a significantly greater amount of wear and tear.

Putting thought into planning the contents of the package will allow you to make it more meaningful. Try to avoid items that will mold within a short time. However, if you absolutely must send out those homemade cookies, make sure to package them in a solid container. Place a piece of fresh bread in with them so that the bread will absorb the moisture and keep them from getting stale. This won't last forever, but it can buy you an extra week or two during the shipping time. There is no way to ensure that your chocolates or other melting items won't be destroyed en route unless you put it in an insulated package with a cool pack.

Regardless, put effort and thought into the planning. Get together what you can in advance and pack it in the box to store. Then you can put it in the closet to wait until it's time to ship off.

Maximize the Notes to Remind Yourself What You Need to Purchase

One of the great things about Asset Panda is that you can add notes and other key pieces of information on your individual assets. While it is not a standard use for inventory management software, you can use the note to be a reminder list of the things that you need to purchase. This works particularly well when you have certain base items for the care package but need to add things like candy or other somewhat perishable items.

You should also use the notes to indicate anything else that needs to be done with the package. For instance, if you need to make sure that the package conforms to particular shipping requirements, then make note of where you can find that information. If you have to make sure that you have to get it mailed by a certain date, include that too and cross reference it with Google Calendars or another calendar system that will include an automatic alert so that you get your reminder.

Update the Care Package Information with Mailing Information and Insurance

Whenever you're sending out your care package, make sure that you don't skimp on any of the details. It is important to make sure that the package gets there, so go ahead and get insurance and a tracking number. Once you get this information, then go back to Asset Panda and update the Notes with this information:
  • Make sure that you include
  • The date you shipped the package
  • The tracking number
  • The amount of insurance purchased
  • The date it is expected to arrive

By including all of this information, you don't have to worry about keeping track of it separately. Inventory software can be used quite effectively in personal matters as well. So long as you are regular and accurate with your information, it will help you tremendously.


Krista has developed a passion for operational strategy via KPI management, streamlined processes, implementation of automation systems, and scaling Asset Panda. When she isn't attempting to help take the company to new heights, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, playing golf, cooking, and a good glass of wine.

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