Make the Most of Your Software Hardware Inventory Management System

Large-scale businesses have to ensure their employees are set up with the hardware and software they need. There’s no ability to track these manually, so you have to turn to a software hardware inventory management system instead.

Here’s a short step by step guide on how to successfully implement a large-scale inventory management system to track your company’s software and hardware.

Identify What You Need to Track

Knowing what you need to track will help you set up a successful inventory management system. Do you have lots of mobile devices your employees use on a regular basis? Do they tend to perform most of their work at a desk on a computer? What sorts of software licenses do you give to your employees and how do they use them in a given day?

Identifying the type of technology your workplace uses to perform daily tasks will help you figure out what system is best to track those items.

Choose a Software Hardware Inventory Management System That Will Track Those Items

Tracking software programs differ from tracking computer hardware. Software programs don’t have barcodes to scan and don’t take up physical space. However, you still need them to serve your clients and customers. Physical hardware requires storage space and is often assigned to specific employees. Create a list of every type of technology you use, and then put it in your asset tracking software.

Creating a software hardware inventory management system is a great way to manage all of your technology in one place. Asset Panda’s customizable system makes it easy for you to track all of your software licenses and physical hardware in one database. Simply configure each field to take into account everything you need to track your assets, and you’ll be set!

Figure Out How to Implement the System

What changes need to take place before your company can start using the system? Even the most effortless systems take time to set up and require you to change the way you are doing things now.

Can you install the system overnight while everyone is at home? Will you need to bring in a third party to help with data migration? Once you know what type of system you’re using, you can identify what steps need to take place before using your new management tool.

Train Everyone to Use the New System

Not all your employees will use the system equally. But when everyone knows how to access and change asset records, it will simplify your workflow process across the board. You’ll cut down on the time your employees spend on updating asset records and allow them to focus on administrative tasks that can’t be automated.

Watch the System Work its Magic

Once you’ve got a system set up, step back and watch it work its magic. After the initial set up, most tracking systems are automated and don’t require much input from you. Aside from updating used asset records, you won’t need to spend much time on asset tracking.

Asset Panda’s account managers will help you determine the best way to set up your technology tracking platform. They’ll walk you through all the necessary steps to create a tracking system that works for you and your company.

Try out our top of the line asset tracking platform for your technology needs today!


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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