Tesitomonial City of Mt. Juiliet, TN

“Our previous asset management system was just a Microsoft Access database. Every change we made had to be written down and then entered later. We were regularly falling behind, and some entries were missed entirely. This was a source of wasted time and frustration, since an asset database is only useful if it stays current. We needed something better, so we started searching and found Asset Panda.

We were able to get started with Asset Panda in just minutes, and we're adding new data on an ongoing basis.The ability to track, look up and make changes to assets from my iPhone while in the field means it's easy to keep our database up-to-date. We no longer have to worry about falling behind on entries, since they can be handled immediately. Asset Panda is very user friendly, and has proven to be exactly what we needed."

Travis Taylor, Chief Technology Officer, City of Mt. Juliet, TN



Krista has developed a passion for operational strategy via KPI management, streamlined processes, implementation of automation systems, and scaling Asset Panda. When she isn't attempting to help take the company to new heights, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, playing golf, cooking, and a good glass of wine.

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