Think You Don’t Need Asset Tracking Software? Think Again.

Why would you need asset tracking software? It’s easy to underestimate just how many assets you have; organizations large and small do just that. If you’ve never taken an inventory of your fixed assets, it’s well worth the exercise. We can almost guarantee you’ll be surprised at the volume you have. Each of those items affects your bottom line for the simple reason that they have to be reported for accounting and compliance purposes. If you don’t know what you have, you’re likely resorting to guesswork. Guessing can be very costly. If you’re wrong – and, let’s face it, guessing isn’t terribly reliable – you could face penalties.

There any many, many more reasons to consider asset tracking software, and they, too, influence your bottom-line revenues. Organizations without a formal asset tracking system are vulnerable to loss and theft, which in turn forces them to have to replace assets on a more frequent basis than should be necessary. A replacement here, a replacement there, and the cost soon begins to add up. Your IT assets, in particular, are frequent targets for thieves. That has the potential to put your company’s very reputation at risk because it’s not just the IT asset that’s stolen; it’s also the data stored on that asset.

When you have no asset tracking processes or you’re relying on manual procedures, items will fall through the cracks, mistakes will be made, and your employees are going to spend hours hunting down assets for which they don’t have records. Wasted time means reduced productivity and lower morale. Without asset tracking software, it’s also likely that your assets will break down prematurely. Asset tracking software enables you to set up maintenance schedules, so you never fall behind, and you’re able to keep assets in good working order for as long as possible. In other words, you maximize your investment. Asset tracking also helps organizations plan equipment refresh schedules and budget accordingly. Best of all, asset tracking software streamlines what can be a very complex process. It gives you peace of mind knowing that all of your asset data is accurate, in real time and stored in one centralized and secure location.

Need more convincing? Asset tracking software can also deliver the following benefits:

• Lower administrative costs
• The ability to pinpoint an asset’s exact location, condition, and the identity of the person who has it
• Improved customer service
• Accurate depreciation calculation
• The ability to scale asset tracking as your company continues to grow
• The ability to create custom reports
• The ability to locate idle assets and move them where they’re needed, therefore saving the cost of a new asset

And that’s just the beginning. The search for asset tracking software doesn’t have to be complicated, either. With Asset Panda, you have at your fingertips the entire lifecycle of your fixed assets. Download our free app (available in Android and iOS versions), and you’re ready to track and manage your assets. Asset Panda’s simple, intuitive interface makes it easy to track your assets any way you want, with no additional hardware needed. Add as many users as you’d like, adjust our custom fields to your specifications, and make changes at any time. This is an asset tracking software that adapts to your unique needs.

Asset Panda has been named #104 on the inc. 5000 list, #9 in the Software Industry, and #4 overall in Texas. To learn more, or to begin your free 14-day trial, visit


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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