Tracking Assets is Easier Than Ever with Asset Panda’s Simple, Powerful Mobile App

The importance of tracking assets becomes clear when you imagine a single company-owned laptop. Let’s say that your IT department assigns that computer to one of your employees. That employee takes her laptop to various meetings, to her home, and with her on business trips. The laptop travels in her car and on airplanes. It sits in conference rooms within your office building and elsewhere. It sits in hotel rooms. At any time of day – and even within the confines of your building – that laptop can become lost or stolen. Inadequate or outdated records exacerbate the problem, making it difficult if not impossible to locate items that have gone MIA. In the worst scenario, an item becomes lost or stolen and is unreported, while the company continues to pay insurance on it, none the wiser.

Now let’s rewind that scenario and imagine if the laptop was associated with an efficient asset tracking system. By the term “efficient,” we’re talking about something beyond an Excel spreadsheet. We’re talking about an incredibly powerful, yet simple to use mobile asset tracking system – one that requires no additional hardware or software to use, or expensive licenses to purchase and renew. You need a system that entitles you to an unlimited number of users at no extra cost, so you’re able to facilitate communication among everyone involved in the lifecycle of that laptop computer, and increase accountability at the same time. And you need a system that’s easy to use, requiring no special training to master.

The result of years of research, development and client feedback, Asset Panda is the most powerful mobile asset tracking platform in the world. It gives clients access to the complete lifecycle of every one of their vital assets from the mobile devices they already carry. Powered by free mobile iOS and Android apps that sync with the cloud, Asset Panda includes a mobile barcode scanner, so adding assets is easy. At any time of day, you’re able to access such details as an item’s check-in/check-out status; its condition and who has it. You also have quick access to that item’s maintenance history, purchase/lease information and insurance policy. Create work orders, use the GPS feature to track the location and transit of items, even use the tool as an enterprise service desk to cut down on your service calls.

Best of all, Asset Panda’s philosophy for tracking assets is that you should be able to track your equipment any way you want. No two organizations are the same, so why you should you pay for an asset tracking system that doesn’t adapt to your needs? Asset Panda was designed to be completely customizable, from the custom dashboard to custom forms, custom fields, including custom calculation fields; custom asset listing views; custom role-based security; user-configurable views; and unlimited custom actions like notifications, alerts and reports. Additionally, you may add documents, voice notes, videos and photos to each asset. Everything you need to know about your most vital assets is as near as your smartphone or tablet. And, because it’s powered by the cloud, you have the assurance that the data you’re reviewing is in real-time. Accessing the figures your accounting and compliance teams need is easy, and you have the assurance that the data is accurate. That saves you significant time, money and frustration.

Get started today with your free 14-day trial, and find out why clients of every size and industry throughout the world trust Asset Panda. For more information, visit

Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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