The Best Tracking for Inventory Management in the Hotel Business

As a hotel manager, tracking inventory is a huge task. You have anywhere from dozens to hundreds of rooms available and each of those rooms has several assets within them. There’s no way you can track your inventory without some sort of system in place. But trying to go without tracking all the items you need to provide stellar guest experience will end up costing you customers and profit. Here are some practices you can adopt to make inventory management easier and improve your company workflow.

Outline Tracking for Inventory Goals

What are you hoping to accomplish with your inventory tracking? Do you want to decrease asset loss? Do you want to see which items are being used the most and which aren’t being used at all? Tracking for inventory can improve several aspects of your hotel operation. Knowing which goals are most important to you will help you find and create a system that supports your team and helps you achieve those milestones.

Know Who Accesses Your Inventory

Knowing who accesses your inventory can help you put measures in place to stop it from walking away. Everything in your rooms is available to your guests. It’s difficult to monitor exactly what your guests do in their rooms at any given time. However, you can put a system in place where you and your team check up on item status and location in-between, and even during, guest stays. That way, if something goes missing in a specific room, you’ll know who was staying there and when things started to go wrong.

Implement a Consistent Inventory Management System

Whatever system you decide on needs to be applied across the board. If you have certain inventory measures in one area of your hotel but not in others, things are more likely to get lost. Many of your employees will work all over your hotel. It’ll be difficult for them to keep track of the rules of the kitchen compared to the rules of the fitness room. Make a system that stays the same from room to room and then bring everyone on board.

Integrate Inventory Tracking into Your Workflow

Inventory tracking doesn’t need to take up a huge amount of time. When you make it a natural step of your existing workflow, it’ll be easy for you to update valuables and hang on to assets longer. Consider having your housekeeping staff scan and update item status as they change the sheets or make it part of the check in/check out process.

Running a hotel means keeping an eye on thousands of places at once. Asset Panda can help you simplify your tracking process and reduce the amount of time you and your staff spend on updating your inventory records. Our cloud-based inventory database makes it easy for you and all of your staff to run a tight ship. No more wondering where your sheets went or what happened to the waffle iron in the kitchen.

We created a system designed for simplicity. You don’t have the time to teach everyone the complexities of updating asset information. Our intuitive system is set up to assist your employees in keeping you updated on your investments. Set up maintenance reminders so you can keep your assets running and reduce costs everywhere possible.

Want to see Asset Panda in action in your hotel? Try us out free for two weeks!


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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