Asset Panda Assists Domestic Violence Shelter With Important Task of Donation Tracking

Safe Nest sees the value Asset Panda has brought when it comes to tracking donated items for those seeking shelter from domestic violence issues.

Asset Panda Solutions:

  • Improved inventory management
  • Customized reporting
  • Centrally managed assets
  • Barcode generator
  • Mobile asset tracking

Customer since: December 2018

Founded in 1977, Safe Nest is Nevada’s largest and most comprehensive charity devoted solely to domestic violence issues, which features programs concentrated in four areas of service: advocacy, counseling, prevention and shelter.

Donations play a critical role at Safe Nest. The money earned through sales of donated items allow us to have unrestricted dollars to pay for simple things such as utilities, gas for our vans, field trips for the children and so much more. In many cases, those who seek out our services are starting a new life and need items for transitioning because they have nothing else.

Asset Panda has been instrumental in helping us track and distribute critically important donations to those in need. Before Asset Panda we weren’t using any formal method to track donations and had absolutely no knowledge of what was being donated and where/who it was going to. Everything was purely based on guesswork.

Now, thanks to Asset Panda and the custom automated reporting feature, we know what has been donated and is in our current inventory. Having this data available around-the-clock in real time has allowed us to plan corporate volunteering events and make more strategic donation requests for items that are actually needed and will benefit our recipients. We can let our confidential shelter know what items we have to fulfill any immediate needs for those who have arrived and are in need day or night.

The barcode generator has also been used as we process a growing number of donations from clothing, to household goods and even automobiles. We can quickly add these items into our database and categorize them by type. That allows us to really see what we have. We can even see what we have too much of and are able to update our donation requests to weed out specific items that are in surplus or aren’t helpful to our recipients.

As we move forward and prepare to open multiple locations, we already see the value Asset Panda will bring for its ability to help us track donations no matter where they are located. We can focus our time and efforts on the needs of those who come to us for help, and not on trying to figure out what’s been donated and where it is. Asset Panda has become our one-stop solution when it comes to tracking donations.

– Allison Lewis, Special Project Manager

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