IT Recruiting Company eXcell Loves Asset Panda's Versatility

Based in Washington, eXcell's goal is to provide "exceptional IT talent and scalable staffing solutions" so clients can receive flexible, as-needed IT consulting and management without needing to hire full-time employees.

Asset Panda Solutions:

  • Versatility
  • Customization
  • Detailed information/asset history
  • Faster reports
  • Insights for future asset purchasing and planning

Customer since: July 2017

As a division of CompuCom, eXcell does IT recruiting and staffing for mid-size companies and small business across North America. Our office includes about 60 people across the HR, finance, sales, and recruiting teams who all use computer equipment on a daily basis to perform their duties and help place contractors, developers, and other technical professionals with the right client. I support the equipment used in the office as well as the equipment we supply to the contractors we recruit to work for these other companies. All our equipment is stored in our main office, but is often issued to employees and contractors across the U.S. We use Asset Panda to track all of this equipment, and are starting to use the software's work order form to place equipment orders.

Since we've only been using Asset Panda for a couple of months, we're in the process of getting everything set up. My manager is doing all this preparation via the desktop application and I as the main user have been testing and putting everything into use. As with any new program, there was a steep learning curve, but with Panda, it was a lot smoother than expected. This is much in thanks due to the great customer service and support we've received while customizing the software.

Speaking of customization, this is probably the most valuable feature of Asset Panda for eXcell's needs. The versatility to add, remove, and organize all the features which work best for us is a large improvement over our previous asset tracking solution, Wasp Barcode. That software was never fully set up correctly and while it could let us track equipment coming in and out, we had no back history on any of it. Now, we are able to add more input of data for better detail, such as adding tags and fields for specifying computer CPU, memory size, etc. This allows us to verify we are selecting the right laptop to match the right monitors for the job. It will also help us better plan for buying new assets in the future. Getting more detailed, better reports is also faster.

More use of Asset Panda should improve our overall efficiency over time. Regardless, we'd still highly recommend Asset Panda to colleagues in our industry!

– Troy Pearson, Desktop Support

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