Nashville Fire Department Ups Its Accountability Factor with Asset Panda

The Nashville Fire Department turned to Asset Panda to ensure their firefighters have the right equipment readily available for any and all emergencies.

Asset Panda Solutions:

  • Accountability
  • Improved asset management
  • Accurate reporting
  • Financial accountability
  • Asset tracking over multiple locations
  • Set tracking method in place
  • Easy to use

Customer since: September 2017

One of the top 20 fire departments in the country, the Nashville Fire Department provides high-quality fire, medical, and rescue emergency responses and community support services to the citizens and visitors within Nashville and Davidson County. With over 1,200 employees, it’s of utmost importance that we ensure the safety of the public as well as our firefighters/EMS crews by making sure our employees have the right equipment to save lives.

The Nashville Fire Department currently consists of 38 fire stations, which house 39 engine companies (the trucks that carry water and fire pumps), 12 ladder companies to reach up to seven or eight stories of a building, 4 heavy rescue trucks, and 25 ambulances.

In the public safety sector, knowing what you have, where it is and ensuring it’s in good operating condition is critical. Lives literally depend on it. Within the fire department, assets are very dynamic and move across multiple locations. Assets are in constant motion. Equipment is being moved from one station to another or on/off various fire apparatus. Any one piece could be critical at a moment’s notice in a life-saving emergency.

Accountability is key in keeping track of so many pieces of equipment -- whether it’s on a fire engine/truck, an ambulance, at the fire station or at maintenance/operations -- and not just from a “bottom line” standpoint. With crews rotating each day, each shift needs to be accountable for the equipment they use and they also need to ensure its put away in its proper place and is ready and working for the new crew that comes in the following day. In terms of financial accountability, we are finding that with Asset Panda as well. Firefighting equipment is not cheap, so having a means to keep up with these expensive pieces of equipment has been extremely helpful.

Asset Panda has definitely upped our accountability factor within the Department. We were not tracking our assets before Asset Panda. It was literally a free for all, and there was no accountability. Now, we have accurate numbers of what equipment we have, where it is and can also keep maintenance records on each piece, ensuring it’s always up to standards and can go in for repairs/updates if needed.

Life saving technology is always changing. Asset Panda has been easy to use and has integrated well into our standard operating procedures. Right now we are just starting out with the desktop app, but definitely see the value of the mobile version and will eventually integrate that as we become more familiar with the platform.

– Brittney Boddie, IT App Analyst

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