With Asset Panda, British Red Cross Saves Critical Funds for Emergency Management Efforts

The British Red Cross is a volunteer-led humanitarian organization dedicated to emergency management and helping people in crisis.

Asset Panda Solutions:

  • Time and money savings
  • Improved asset management
  • Accurate reporting
  • Reduced guesswork and errors
  • Asset tracking over multiple locations
  • Mobile asset tracking
  • Easy to use

Customer since: April 2017

The British Red Cross is part of a global voluntary emergency management network responding to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies. Our emergency management efforts help vulnerable people in the UK and abroad prepare for, withstand and recover from crises in their own communities.

We coordinate logistics - the deployment and collection of first aid kits across the UK - and employ a staff of 21. Asset Panda allows us to log all of our equipment, asset tags, schedule for maintenance, cleaning and issue/collection. The tool also allows us to associate costs with usage and generate volume of equipment used versus what was issued.

Our assets are distributed among multiple locations throughout the UK. Before we started using Asset Panda a year ago, we were relying on spreadsheets and knowledge in people's heads. Those were extremely inefficient methods of asset tracking.

Asset Panda was easy to install. We've gotten great support on configuration from the Asset Panda team. They understand our needs and quickly resolve any operational issues. The platform is already showing us realized benefits. Customer service has been fantastic. No problem is too small, and issues are resolved expeditiously.

We use both the mobile and desktop apps, and we can instantly see which assets are available. The scheduling features have been particularly useful. We're seeing reduced costs on maintenance and repairs. Minimal stock holding schedules have reduced our spend on unnecessary assets, and we're benefiting from improved courier and delivery costs. Asset Panda has also improved our return rates. I estimate that we save about two hours a day by using Asset Panda for our asset tracking and management needs.

– Sandra Howitt, Senior Logs Manager

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