Asset Tracking in Hospitals is Vital for Patient Care

Imagine the mammoth task of asset tracking in hospitals. The sheer volume of supplies and equipment is rather mind-boggling. And the job has become larger in scope as hospitals continue to expand and now often include multiple campuses.

For healthcare institutions, there are many serious ramifications associated with poor asset tracking procedures. If the staff has been relying on manual procedures to track assets and equipment, they’re almost certainly spending inordinate amounts of time logging and managing data. In that scenario, the odds are good that mistakes will happen. Typos, duplication of efforts, or gaps in record keeping are all common occurrences. Subsequently, hospital staff has to spin their wheels hunting down items; or they’re trusting data that are outdated and inaccurate. Mistakes are always costly for any organization, but in a hospital environment, the stakes have never been higher. It’s imperative that staff have 24/7 access to real-time information.

When employees have to stop their work to look for missing assets, productivity is affected. But that’s the beginning of the problem. Lost assets mean that patients have to wait – and that’s not only potentially dangerous from the standpoint of their health, but also in terms of patient satisfaction. Our healthcare environment is an increasingly competitive one, and most hospitals take great care to measure, analyze and improve the experience for their customers.

Another factor to consider is the impact on hospitals’ respective bottom lines. If vital equipment is missing, hospitals then have to purchase or rent replacements, which then drives up their operating costs. Hospital equipment, like all equipment, also requires periodic maintenance and servicing. Without a reliable asset tracking system, it’s very easy for staff to lose track of when it’s time for equipment maintenance. Machines that aren’t properly serviced eventually don’t function as well as they should break down or even require replacement – again, impacting patient care, overall productivity and operating costs.

The benefits of reliable asset tracking in hospitals, then, are clear. When you have a process you trust, you can rest easy knowing that at any time, you can access the exact location and condition of any one of your healthcare assets. And, most important, you can trust that, by taking care of your lifesaving equipment, your patients receive the care they deserve in as timely a manner as possible.
Asset Panda offers the most powerful system available today for asset tracking in hospitals; yet, it couldn’t be simpler to use. All your employees need to use Asset Panda are the mobile devices they already carry. Through our free mobile iOS and Android app, you have anytime access to the entire lifecycle of every one of your assets. Because the app syncs with the cloud, your data is always in real time. Asset Panda gives you a completely customizable, flexible platform that every one of your stakeholders can use – so your employees are always in the loop and accountable.

Track maintenance schedules, issue reports, monitor check-in/check-out status, even submit help desk tickets through Asset Panda’s enterprise service desk module. Save time and money while you focus on providing the very best care to your patients and their families.

To learn more about what Asset Panda can do for your operations, visit and start your free 14-day trial today.


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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