Tips for Adopting Workplace Tech so Your Business Isn’t Left Behind

Bringing technology into the workplace isn't a new idea. Even as far back as the late 1800s, companies started adopting new technology in the form of work clocks to make their processes more efficient.

Since then, advances in workplace technology have helped companies become more efficient and make the most of their time. Here's how:


"One of the best ways technology can help your business is by making your database more accessible to the employees who need it."


A Brief History of Technology in the Workplace


From Time Clocks to Remote Work

Employers have been adopting new technologies to improve their workflow in the last two centuries. In the 1800s, businesses started using time clocks to know exactly how many hours their employees had worked.

Switching from punched time cards to time clock software made payroll processing more efficient and prevented employees from punching in for their friends. Eventually, employers started adopting surveillance technology to monitor their employees to prevent employee theft and other problems.

Nowadays, technology has created a digital workplace, allowing people to work from home via their computers and internet connection.

What’s Changing in the Workplace Now?

With the recent surge in developing technologies, there are a number of changes coming that will impact the way you do work. Here's an overview of the most common ones.
  • Communication: Instead of paper memos and in office meetings, many companies are turning to chat software programs and video conferencing tools.
  • Organization: Millennials have become the largest part of the workforce. Because of their large presence, company organization is changing in order to accommodate them. Practices that were once commonplace are being phased out because they often chase skilled millennial workers away.
  • Tracking: Cloud-based software now makes it easy to track everything you rely on to keep your business running. You can also check on your assets in real time, so you'll know exactly what's going on at any time.
  • Productivity: Technology has also come a long way toward helping employees feel more comfortable and relaxed at work, which in turn helps them be more productive. AI monitors can inform employees when they've spent too much time on non-work related tasks, and help them get back to work quickly.
  • Security: Most companies need to protect their assets. The Internet of Things makes it easy for companies to track their valuables without having to rely on in-person security. In fact, in many cases, relying on technology can help your business be even more secure.
  • Accessibility: One of the most impressive ways in how technology has changed our lives is the accessibility of information. You can be anywhere in the world, and still, log in to the centralized database you use to keep track of your assets.

Pros and Cons of Technology in the Workplace

  • Pros
    • Automated busy work
    • Increased opportunities for collaboration
    • Increased efficiency
  • Cons
    • Constant distractions
    • Outdated software is susceptible to hacking
    • It's hard to separate work and personal life

How to Leverage Technology to Help Your Business

One of the best ways technology can help your business is by making your database more accessible to the employees who need it.

Technology also makes it possible for you to track data analytics on your company website. This information can help you determine what ad campaigns are working, and where your traffic is coming from.

Don’t Get Left Behind

As frustrating as it can be to try to keep up with changing technology, there are serious consequences to not keeping up with it. Taking the time to invest in current workplace technology will help your company to become more efficient, and increase your bottom line.


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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