What to Look for In An Asset Facility Management Solution

Managing large quantities of similar assets can be time-consuming. Companies are on the hunt for an affordable and easy-to-use solution that can simplify the process and enable employees to manage all similar assets with a single barcode number to expedite record keeping. Finding a platform that increases both accuracy and accountability among all stakeholders is an important feature that should be considered. There are many asset and inventory programs available but when it comes to asset facility management, factors such as perception, compatibility, mobility, market presence, and security should all come into play.

The best asset facility management platform understands your facility’s specific maintenance needs and can change and grow as your company’s needs change and grow. Flexibility and customization are key. Finding a software that is fluid with you instead of what someone thinks is a fit for you is a step in the right direction. Not all facility management needs are the same and that should filter down to the program you use. Depending on what you have available in your office space and the types of assets you use, you need different types of repairs, cleaning, and upkeep. A large office building will require daily cleaning and check up and there are more assets to manage and oversee, while a smaller space can typically be maintained by other employees and the task isn’t so huge.

Facility managers develop and implement the asset management strategy for all processes of the company’s activity so having a software that enables him/her to do his/her job more efficiently and timely is a benefit for everyone in the company. Maximizing the management and tracking of assets will be beneficial when it comes to budgeting and finding the all-important balance between the needs/wants of your facility and its stakeholders.

One of the first steps to undertake when it comes to your company’s unique maintenance requirements is to create a facility preventative maintenance plan. You need to know four key pieces of information to get started:
  1. what services you have available,
  2. how often those services are used,
  3. previous maintenance and repair records,
  4. what management expects of the facility in the future.

It’s also helpful to know if there are expansion plans on the horizon, and what specific needs your company has outside of the facility. Chances are that maintenance efforts will change based on what you need from your facility and being on top of that information can make a world of difference when it comes to asset facility management.

Asset Panda features a facilities management configuration that allows you to close the loop between departments, accurately document equipment movements, and save your company significant time and money. Our free mobile app that makes it simple to create and manage work orders assigned to your equipment, while also monitoring check in and check out of equipment. Users can easily download reports and access real-time data 24/7 via custom dashboards. Accountability increases with specialized features such as alerts, electronic signatures, and auditing features. No matter the industry, Asset Panda can be configured to be whatever you need it to be, making it easier to track assets, manage actions associated with those assets, stay current on maintenance, and easily document support records.

Asset Panda’s asset facilities management configuration is so useful that it was named to the GetApp listing of the “Top 25 Facility Management” solutions. Asset Panda actually cracked the Top 10, coming in at number 7, and earning a “Category Leader” ranking. The ranking serves as a point of reference highlighting key factors that small businesses should look at when assessing a piece of software. These factors include user perception (reviews), compatibility (integrations and mobile compatibility), market presence (media presence), and security features (security). Get App serves as an ecosystem of user-generated and editorial reviews of software and apps for businesses with the aim of becoming “The Premier App Store for Business Software”.

Learn more about Asset Panda and how it can benefit your asset facility management program with a free 14-day trial. Visit www.assetpanda.com to get started.



Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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