How to Encourage a Company Culture of Good Citizenship Through CSR

Where you work and its company culture has a huge impact on your attitude. While you might not technically take work home with you, your mood and general view of life will certainly follow you home.

Businesses need to replace any toxic culture that pushes employees to work to an unhealthy degree with one focused on the positive. Corporate social responsibility is a great way to help everyone at your company feel better about their life in general and reduce stress levels. This helps to enhance their quality of life, and actually improves their productivity as well.

You’ll see benefits through employee retention and positive brand association. In fact, companies who participate in corporate social responsibility see their turnover rates cut in half. Increased volunteer work also improves your community, which will come back to you in very large ways.

Employees as Ambassadors

The way your employees view your company tends to spill out in social media. They’ll be honest with their followers about their happiness (or unhappiness) at their job.

While you don’t have control over your employees' personal lives, or what they say about your company online, creating a positive workplace culture will go a long way towards improving their perception of your business. That will carry over to their online presence, which goes out to thousands of people online. In this way, employees are ambassadors for your business. You want them to be happy with your practices, so they’ll help spread a positive reputation.

As the world moves towards operating in a more digital environment, lines between customer service, marketing, and public relations are becoming more blurred. If you don’t have the right technology to help employees field customer concerns, you’re more likely to be perceived as a company who doesn’t care.

How to Repair a Toxic Company Culture

Workplace culture issues don’t stay under wraps for long. Stories about employee mistreatment spread like wildfire online. Even if it’s just a problem with one manager, readers online will conflate that with how your company operates in general. People will see it as an example of poor company culture and will stop patronizing your business.

Along with avoiding a PR disaster, having a positive work environment will benefit your company in other ways. When your team is happy with their job, their productivity will improve, and they’ll want to help your business succeed. Create robust harassment policies to help employees feel safe and protected at work. You’ll also want to implement an equitable hiring and promotion process, so your employees feel like their hard work is rewarded. If they feel like you don’t care about their skills, they’re more likely to leave and find another job.

Despite best intentions, employee disputes happen at the most supportive workplaces. Make sure you have trained mediators to help resolve contention between coworkers and help address issues as they come up instead of letting them get worse.

Encourage Employees to Respect the Work Environment and Each Other

Involving your employees in keeping your work environment clean and maintained is a great way to encourage them to respect the space. Using a tracking system encourages personable responsibility for the items your team members use.

Having software to track office inventory doesn’t mean employees can check out when it comes to keeping the office stocked and up to date. Create a process that’s fair to everyone and makes it a shared process. When you involve everyone in this process, it’s easier for them to see that other people occupy this space along with them. That iimprovesthe likelihood of them taking an effort to make the workplace better.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Encouraging and Rewarding Volunteerism

The best way to create a culture of giving is to lead by example. Show your employees and clients that you care about the world around you.

Providing employees with a paid day off to volunteer in the community also encourages them to give back. Publicly recognizing and rewarding employee involvement in the community can help motivate your other members to volunteer for non-profits that mean something to them.

Take some time to organize company-wide volunteering events. When the community sees that your company is acting to help others, they notice and start wanting to support you. Involving employees in corporate giving decisions also helps them feel like their opinions matter.

Companies can create some of the biggest environmental impacts by adopting corporate social responsibility programs. When consumers can see that you care about the environment, they’re more likely to bring their business to you.


Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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