Public School
Asset Tracking

Burns Middle School, is part of the Cleveland County Schools Public School System in North Carolina. They use Asset Panda to keep up with their inventory every day.

As so many people know, schools are loaded with a great deal of inventory and tools to help educate our students. With such a great deal of materials in use every day by so many different people, we needed a way to keep our inventory up-to-date in an organized fashion and be able to check materials in and out quickly using our school’s existing asset tags. Asset Panda provided that functionality for us and gave us the time back previously spent searching for items or trying to track down who had what.

One of the first issues we had after migrating over to Asset Panda was syncing our existing asset tags into Asset Panda’s system. Like in teaching, teamwork is one of the key pieces that makes Asset Panda so great. I’ve never had better support. Everyone is wonderfully kind and knowledgeable, and easy to get in touch with. Their technology help desk was able to take our previous asset data and migrate it directly into Asset Panda's school asset manager software. This meant that we did not have to create all new tags for our materials – a huge benefit of the software. Once other departments saw how we were able to access our assets and the ease of tracking down materials, we had two other departments make the decision to join Asset Panda too!

I think one of the most useful features of Asset Panda is the ability to use multiple tools to access our data. I find that retrieving information from the mobile app using my smartphone or using the desktop software on my computer always gives me the most up-to-date and real-time information on any asset in our system. While I may only have access to one of these viewing methods at any given time during my day, I appreciate the flexibility Asset Panda provides its users for tracking assets anytime from anywhere.

We never went into using Asset Panda specifically from a financial standpoint. However, we have definitely seen cost savings in that we have not lost or misplaced any of our assets since using Asset Panda, and have not had to replace or repurchase any items. I definitely will continue to recommend Asset Panda to any business looking for a great way to keep track of their assets.

–Yvonne Franz, Lead Teacher for the Visually Impaired

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