How a Reservation System Can Benefit Your Company

A complete asset management system allows you to control all parts of your asset process. It includes processes employed to track your equipment and inventory used in operations.  A complete system, compared to a stand alone system, is one that’s integrated with the other processes in your company. Taking a multi-departmental approach, a holistic system enables you to schedule tasks, track asset life-cycles, and plan future workflows.

When a powerful asset management tool offers a reservation system in its feature set, it can help companies:

Control Workflows

With a reservations booking tool, you can assign employees to upcoming jobs or projects. You can even delegate who will be attending certain events and what work they need to do ahead of time.

It also makes it easy for you to reserve shared or leased items in advance, so you know what to expect on any given day.

Get the Full Picture

When you can see how and when your assets are used, it makes it easier to optimize how you allocate them and prevent hang-ups that slow your workflow. Gantt charts support a complete asset management calendar and allow you to see what assets are available and their usage patterns.

Real-time asset data is the only way to get a full picture view of your company operations. When you know how your assets are used, and which employees use them, you can better predict asset maintenance and life cycles. That’ll help you when it comes to the planning process.

Confidently Plan Ahead

Relying on a reservation system means you won’t double-book assets or employees. It also means you can see how many requests each asset has. If you’re getting more requests for your items than you can fulfill, that’s a sign that you might need to invest in more asset availability to avoid slowdowns.

Looking at the reservation system allows you to plan for hold times. When your workers know how long they can expect to use certain items, it allows them to better plan out work times and prevents delays in your company’s workflow.

Reduce Admin Workload

Reservation systems that allow admins to assign trusted users to deny or approve reservation requests can free up precious time.

When you only have specific employees overseeing reservations, that prevents double booking and over-promising result delivery. Limiting who can interact with the reservation system means less room for confusion. You can be sure that the reservations in your system are accurate and optimize your workload accordingly.

Features of Asset Panda’s Reservations System

Assign Approval Managers

Designating approval managers means you have someone supervising the approval process. When you only have a few people interacting with reservations, it streamlines the process and makes it easier for tasks to get assigned.

Reservation Hold Times

Create time frames for employees to pick up requested items. The reservation software can update them on upcoming times, so they can successfully plan their workflow on available assets.

Limit Asset Reservations

If certain assets require training before they can be safely used, you can prevent employees who do not have the proper training from reserving those items.

Reserve from a Gantt Chart

Digital reservation software makes it easy to create reservations in one convenient location. Working from your Gantt Chart creates visibility for other employees. They can see which items are available, and when they can be reserved.

If you’re ready to take control of your company’s assets and optimize your workflows with an asset tracking powerhouse, get a demo of Asset Panda.


Mel Van De Graaff

Mel creates research driven content for companies in the health and wellness field, and specializes in creating action driven blog posts for Mental Health and Self Help topics as well as creating white papers and case studies.

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