Mobile IT Inventory Tracking Slashes Your Risk for Theft, Loss & More


At first glance, IT inventory tracking is an enormous task – and yet it’s one of the most important actions performed by any organization. First of all, IT assets represent a large proportion of your investments, whether you’re a small nonprofit or global corporation with household name brand recognition. The larger the organization, the more challenging it is to stay on top of your IT assets as they move from office to office, office to conference room, and beyond your own four walls to private homes, planes, taxis, hotels, etc. The opportunity for loss and theft is significant, and it’s not just your devices that are at risk; it’s the data stored on them. If you haven’t taken proper security measures, you’re putting your employees and potentially your customers at risk for a breach.

The more IT inventory you acquire, the more challenging it is to keep up with routine maintenance, insurance policy information, depreciation, check-in/check-out status and other details. If you’re simply logging this information on a static Excel spreadsheet, you’ve made the task even more difficult. The details about IT assets and inventory are always changing, so attempting to keep up with that data an Excel document is an exercise in futility. You’re also setting yourself for errors. We’re humans, after all, and it’s all too easy to enter a typo, forget to log an item or an update. The demands of our daily jobs make it nearly impossible to keep up with all of those moving parts. IT inventory software introduced efficiency to the process, with an abundance of products offering varied features.

Asset Panda invested years of research, development, and testing to introduce a product that takes the benefits of IT inventory tracking software to the next level. Using the power of mobile technology, Asset Panda is a flexible, powerful IT asset and inventory tracking platform that effectively closes the communication loop between all of the departments you serve. Our free mobile iOS and Android apps sync with the cloud, so your data is available to you in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And that’s absolutely key when you’re dealing with the business IT because it never sleeps. All your employees need to use Asset Panda is a smartphone or tablet, or they can use the web app if they prefer. There’s no need to invest in handheld barcode scanners, additional hardware, software or software licenses. Everything you need to track your assets and inventory lives in the palm of your hand – and you can add as many users as you’d like at no additional charge. Our mission is to help you promote transparency and accountability throughout your organization.

With Asset Panda, you can log in one central location data for each IT asset, its complete maintenance history, insurance policy information, lease/purchase information, appreciation and depreciation figures, its exact location, condition and the identity of the current user. Our philosophy is that clients should be able to track their assets any way they want. That’s why Asset Panda is completely customizable, empowering you to display, organize and share your data according to your unique needs. Best of all, our platform is flexible enough to adapt as your needs change in the future, and as new technology becomes prevalent.

You won’t need any extensive training to understand Asset Panda’s capabilities and use it with ease. It’s incredibly intuitive – but should you have questions, our world-class support team is always within your reach.

Asset Panda eliminates the headaches of the past. No more lost, stolen or ghost assets. No more wasted time or money. Give our app a try, and discover why clients around the globe have chosen Asset Panda for their IT inventory tracking needs. For more information, go to


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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