Why Pick Asset Panda for YOUR Fixed Assets Tracking Software

Everyone has an opinion about everything. Which grocery store has the best produce. Which hotel has the softest sheets. Which car gives the best mileage. There are also a lot of opinions about which fixed assets tracking software is the best.

Do a Google search for the phrase “best fixed assets tracking software” and your browser will be populated with options. There are some great articles from trusted industry sources. Some good comparisons about the different options available on the market. Even some “beware” pieces about companies who have been burned or lost money on asset tracking and management software.

The best advice is to do your homework. Look at what’s available and if it fits your company’s specific asset tracking and management needs. While there are a lot of options available, not all of them are a good fit for YOU.


"Companies are actually saving time and money with fixed assets tracking software."


There are so many great features that are being included as part of fixed assets tracking software that has made the entire process of managing assets a breeze. No more long days of manually entering data (that gets more error-filled as the hours go on). No more frantic searches for equipment that is lost or misplaced or even listed as being checked-in but has long been removed from use (ie ghost assets).

Companies are actually saving time and money with fixed assets tracking software. Now they have real-time instant access to data that can tell them where fixed assets are, who has them, check-in/check-out status and even a full maintenance/repair history. Decision-makers have more data than ever before on the entire lifecycle of an asset and are better equipped to make more informed decisions in the best interest of the company.

And with the addition of built-in barcode scanners that users can use from their own smartphones and tablets to capture data about each and every asset, companies simply have no excuse as to why they aren’t tracking their assets and why they are losing money in the process.

From time to time, we like to share the reviews of Asset Panda and what the fixed assets tracking software platform brings to companies of every size and every type. Asset Panda was founded on the philosophy that you should be able to track your equipment any way you want. No two organizations are the same, so why you should you pay for fixed assets tracking software that doesn’t adapt to your needs? Asset Panda was designed to be completely customizable, from the custom dashboard to custom forms, custom fields, including custom calculation fields; custom asset listing views; custom role-based security; user-configurable views; and unlimited custom actions like notifications, alerts, and reports.

We are only as good as our product and our users are very vocal about Asset Panda and how it works, or sometimes doesn’t, work for them. Customer reviews are valuable and affect a buyer’s perception of a product, and this includes whether or not they choose to buy it. Our testimonial page is full of content right from our users on how Asset Panda has impacted their daily operations. Our users come from every walk of life – religious institutions, construction, nonprofits, education, public safety, e-commerce, retail, etc. Take a look and see how so many different industries use Asset Panda to make it their own and how it works for them and with them.

The team at Asset Panda is also very responsive to suggestions on how to make our fixed assets tracking software better. We receive suggestions and ideas from our users and incorporate them into updates and additions to the system. We hear what our users say and strive to make Asset Panda the only fixed assets tracking software they will ever need.

Asset Panda nonprofit client, Team Gleason, had high hopes on what they needed Asset Panda to do for their organization that aids patients with ALS – which made asset tracking easier and more accessible to the organization can spend its time helping its clients. See what Asset Panda has done for this organization via the video below and consider what Asset Panda can do for you.


Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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