Checkout Software Manages Entire Lifecycle of Your Assets

If you don’t have a reliable checkout software system in place, throughout an average day, week or month, you or your staff probably spend a considerable amount of time hunting down lost tools or other assets. Those frustrating minutes and hours add up to wasted time and productivity. Without checkout software, you don’t have a reliable means of determining who checked out an asset or when it’s due. Items can remain missing for an extended period, potentially forcing you to buy replacements and taking a big bite out of your bottom line.

You don’t have to be a large, multinational corporation to reap the benefits of checkout software. No matter the size of your company, you’re busy trying to focus on your biggest priorities. Worrying about the whereabouts of your assets shouldn’t be on your to-do list. Check out software empowers you to outsource your fixed asset tracking management throughout the entire lifecycle of your assets. You’ll not only prevent asset loss; you’ll stay on top of maintenance schedules for your equipment, eliminate confusion over who checked out which assets and increase accountability and transparency throughout your entire organization. That’s because checkout software typically offers additional features, like the ability to manage maintenance schedules, reminders and histories, track depreciation, create reports, track insurance policies and service contracts, store lease and purchase information and more. Cloud-based solutions enable you to access your asset data in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week – not just during work hours from your computer. When you’re staying on top of your assets and their location and condition, you’re maximizing their lifespan – so no more unexpected breakdowns, expensive repairs, or premature replacements.

If you’ve been using an Excel spreadsheet for your equipment check-ins and check-outs, the odds are good that employees have forgotten to record items. You might even be using good old pen and paper, a potentially messy system. In either scenario, gaps and errors aren’t a question of if, but rather when. Unfortunately, omissions and mistakes can come back to haunt you at budget time as well as tax time, when the value of your fixed assets must be reported for accounting and compliance purposes. A single item may be double-booked, which creates confusion and frustration. Ghost assets may be costing you money. And morale may be low when your employees can’t rely on the equipment they need to do their jobs.

Mobile technology has made checkout software incredibly easy to implement in your daily business. With your smartphone or tablet, you’re able to access the exact location and condition of any of your fixed assets, create work orders, set up notifications and alerts, and generate reports, among many other functions. Given that work doesn’t stay at the office anymore, mobility is a must when it comes to checking on your assets. For best results, you want a solution in which every stakeholder is participating. When you close the communication loop, you eliminate gaps, significantly reduce mistakes and increase transparency and accountability.

Asset Panda’s user-friendly, yet powerful checkout software delivers incredible functionality, flexibility, and customization, saving you and your employees time and money and curbing asset loss and waste.


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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