Make Asset Tracking More Efficient with a Tracking Barcode

Implementing a check-in/check-out process for your asset tracking will help you make this process more efficient. A tracking barcode is essential for each item you want to put through the check-in/check-out process. Without one, trying to make your employees check-out items will only become tedious and costly in terms of time and money.

If you aren’t already relying on checking out your assets, setting up the system can seem daunting. But with a little upfront work, you can create a clear system that makes everyone’s job a little easier.

Figure Out Why You Want This Process

What exactly do you hope to track by implementing a check-in/check-out procedure? Do you want to make your employees responsible for returning items in a timely manner? Do you need to know where your items are at any given time? Are you hoping to make your process more efficient?

Whatever the reason, knowing what you hope to get out of this measure will help you set it up in a way that best benefits your company.

Put a Tracking Barcode on Everything

When you have a huge number of items to track, saving even a few seconds per item adds up fast. Sticking a tracking barcode on each of your assets makes it easy for everyone at your company to quickly check-out the items they need.

Universal Product Codes (UPC) are a great way to streamline your assets. The system is already set up and widely used in thousands of companies. Using this system for your own items will make it easy for your employees to check-out the assets they require. All they need is a device that can scan barcodes and they’ll be able to access the system.

Upload All of Your Items to Your Database

When you first put your barcodes on everything, it’ll take a while to upload everything to your database. You’ll need to create new asset records for each item your company uses.

As you are setting up this database, you can choose how each item is displayed. Want to track things like location, duration of check out, and an employee using the item? You can set up your database to track that and more.

Set Up Due Dates and Notifications

Before you can roll out your system, you’ll want to pick how long employees can check out a specific item. Does it need to be returned within a few hours, or can they hold on to it until their job is done? Most of the time, this will change depending on the asset in question. You can customize this setting on an individual basis so that your employees can get their job done but can’t hold onto the asset indefinitely.

Asset Panda’s software is the perfect solution for bringing the check-in/check-out procedure to your asset tracking. Our platform is designed to work perfectly with a tracking barcode system. As long as your employees have our app installed on their phones, they can scan the code and be on their way. The program will let them know when they need to return the asset, and what will happen if they don’t bring it back in time.

We also crafted our interface for ease of use. You won’t waste hours trying to figure out how the system works. And if you don’t understand any of the features, our customer support will be there to show you the way.

ranks Asset Panda as 4.5 out of 5. In their review, they’ve highlighted the ease of use of the location independent check-in/check-out feature. Because our software is cloud-based, it’ll show updates in the online application as well.

Want to see why CPA Practice Advisor gave us a 4.5? Take a today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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