What is Asset Control?


Asset control, also known as asset tracking, is the process by which companies and organizations track critical information about their assets. This information can include an item’s location, who’s using it, when it’s been reserved for future use, its maintenance schedule, damage reports, usage reports, and more.

Over the years, asset control has evolved from basic spreadsheet-based systems to platforms like Asset Panda that fully integrate into a company’s workflow. These new solutions allow companies to remotely track assets in an automated system that prioritizes running their business, not desperately scrambling through outdated spreadsheets and documents to find an asset.

What exactly is asset control?

Until recently, ‘asset control’ was what you called an employee with a spreadsheet filled with dozens of list items that were supposed to represent all of your company’s essential assets. This employee (or team of employees, in particularly inefficient setups) had to input everything from asset locations to their maintenance schedules manually.

The result? Items were misplaced, tasks were overlooked by employees, and high-value assets were not properly maintained or repaired and were unavailable when companies needed them most.

Today, the best asset control solutions are cloud-based, automated and don’t require hours of manual input to thrive. They’re intuitive enough to provide a small learning curve, even for those who aren’t tech-savvy.

Why asset control matters and the benefits

The asset management software a company chooses is important because every business is different— as are the assets they manage. How one company tracks a large number of small assets may be completely different from how another manages massive machinery. So, how do you ensure that an asset control system will match your needs?

The best way is by choosing a fully configurable platform like Asset Panda, which was designed to be flexible to reflect the differences in companies’ asset tracking needs. Our mobile solution lets you set the parameters that matter most to you without having to track dozens of metrics that simply don’t apply or matter to your overall workflow.

After all, asset management is only important to the extent that it saves your organization time and money. Whether you’re a pest control company tracking skids and chemicals, a floral greens supplier keeping tabs on multiple branches across the nation, or a fleet manager tracking commercial vehicles, if your asset control platform is not efficient or streamlined according to your needs, it won’t be an effective tool for your business.

What to look for in an asset control system

So, you’re ready to choose a next-gen asset control solution. How do you know which one to pick from the dozens of options on the market? The best asset management solutions should offer these features and benefits: 


If you ask us, configuration is king when it comes to asset control. Your assets differ from another company’s, so why should you be forced to use the same forms, processes, and parameters to manage them?

That’s why we made Asset Panda fully configurable so that you can make it precisely the solution you need— all without waste or inefficiencies.


Mobile access is essential for business in 2021, so whichever asset control solution you choose should be cloud-based and able to be accessed from mobile devices your employees already have at their disposal— not a desktop-based tool that keeps your team desk-bound.

Advanced reporting

At any moment, you should be able to call up reports that tell you vital information about your assets, including everything from their maintenance schedules to damage reports and where that asset should be at this exact second.

Easy to use

Remember those spreadsheets we mentioned earlier? If an asset management platform is complex and confusing to use, you may find yourself longing for the simple spreadsheet once more.

Take our advice— opt for an asset control system that makes managing your assets simpler, not more complicated.

Fast to deploy

At Asset Panda, we take pride in the small amount of time it takes us to set up your platform. We can be set up, 100% customized, and deployed quickly with full, world-class support from day one through to complete implementation and beyond.

Take control of your assets with our barcode tracking system

Our mission is to make your company’s asset control platform one of the most powerful assets you have, and that’s why we designed Asset Panda to be mobile, powerful, and easy-to-use, with parameters that you can fully configure based on your unique needs.

Want to learn more about Asset Panda’s industry-leading platform? Get your free demo (no card needed) today to find out how much you could save with Asset Panda as your go-to asset management solution!

Learn more from an Asset Panda expert

Get a FREE consultation with an asset tracking expert to find out how you can transform your asset tracking.

Contact our Sales Team at (888) 928-6112